All Inked Up

Jun 08, 2008 02:53

Got my latest tat just a week ago (31 May). It's a Dog collar around my right ankle, tan/black leather looking with four studs, chains linking down to a tag on my foot with Ki's (my dog) name on it. Yes, I got my dog's name tattooed on my body. I also have my niece's name, and in my eyes, there's no difference between the two.
Anyway, it's wicked good, seriously realistic. Darian, the artist I now swear by, is absolutely amazing. (If you're interested in seeing some of his stuff, check out this.)

Wouldn't ya know it, though, getting down there just had to be a hassle... My very first time on the TriRail--talking total virgin here--things get all screwed up. I make it to the Del Ray station all fine and dandy...then a car flips over the guardrails from I-95 and onto the tracks... Then a packed, hot, smelly, oddly reminiscent of a sardine can, bus ride to Boca Raton so we can get around the accident. Afterwards comes the hour long wait while the operators figure out how to make the train go backwards.
I claim my nana's 5% of German blood has cursed us all. (She also claims be a second cousin of Lizzie Borden or something, and you know that can't be good for karma.)
The transportation torture was worth it though. I got to see my big bro and semi-second big bro (my brother's best friend who practically lived with us) and I got my new favorite tattoo.

Slight problem though... The swelling hasn't quite gone away. My other five tats weren't swollen this long... Actually, it's not the tattoo that's swollen or anything, just a little around my ankle and the top of my foot. And it's not painful, so I'm fairly certain that it's not an infection. That, and the tattoo itself is healing just fine. No extra tenderness or irritation, it's scabbed over and dry.
I dunno. I'll get it checked out if it becomes painful or something...maybe.


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