
Apr 04, 2012 10:15

During the past 8 seasons of House, so many talented writers have written so many fantastic House/Cameron fics. Even after Jennifer Morrison was "let go", our writers continued to write about our OTP.

We want you to comment with your favorite multichapter fic and your favorite one-shot. We will leave this post open until May 4. Then we will set up a voting post. Just one of each, though. I realize many of you have several fics that you would love to nominate but for my sanity (and the other mods), just one of each.

You may nominate any completed fic written between 2004 and 2012.

Please use this form: (You can copy and paste the link)

Multichapter fic:
Link (if available):

One-shot fic:
Link (if available):

Fics can be found at the following sites:
Fan Fiction

So, take your time and think about the two fics you want to nominate. If you see the fic you chose is already nominated, you can choose a different one. I realize that no matter how I do this that not everyone is going to be happy. Sorry. Oh, and mods, we'll have a separate place to nominate our faves for Mod's Choice Award.

mod post, official nomination post, nominations

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