And the winners are....

Nov 22, 2010 17:10

Here are the winners of the Fall, 2010, House/Cameron Fanfic Awards!

We had some ties so those people will both get a banner to post at their journals or wherever they choose.

Congratulations to all who were nominated. A big WHOO HOO to the winners! Please take your banner.

Angst: Long
Moving Back by Hameronfan

Angst: Short
Solace by sarrie5

AU (tie)
The Last Post by jesmel
Barnacles by waylandsmithy

Character Study: Cameron
I Am The Desert by jellybean728

Character Study: House
Mr. Jekyll and Dr. Hyde by neverknew_xo

Episode Specific: Short (tie)
My Lungs In Your Hands by fated_addiction
Warm by Del Alen

Fluff Fics
The Germans Wore Grey, You Wore Blue by marlonbrando

What Dreams May Come by waylandsmithy

Feels Like Rain by maybebaby1280

Romance: Long
Ch-Ch-Changes by pyewacket_1975 and hughville

Romance: Short
Dating In The Dark by ilovehlaurie

Untitled Series-Starting with Check Your Facts by fated_addiction

Smut (tie)
Undisguised by blueheronz
Movie Night by pyewacket_1975

Holiday (tie)
The Christmas Crossover Crack From Hell or How House's Hair Envy Helped Him Realize He Loves Cameron! by jesmel
Candy Cane by jellybean728

Baby Fics
Baby Fever by hughville

The Difference by everytimeyougo

Established Relationship
Woman by Phoenixgirl23

Glass House by niicelaady

Please right click and save your banner and then upload to your own photo hosting sight. I'd really appreciate you not hotlinking. Thanks!

Again a huge congratulations to everyone! We'll see you again in MAY for the next round of House/Cameron FanFic Awards.

A HUGE thank you to vicodin_martini for the beautiful banners!

Your hc_fanficawards mod,

mod post, 2010 winners, winners

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