Round 3: Winners!

Jan 06, 2013 04:29

Congratulations! There were some beautiful works this year, in a variety of fandoms. We are especially pleased to see the scope of some fills, both in length and quantity. After some really fierce competition, we present our winners!

FIRST PLACE - 12950 points

This year's prize is 20 icons! Please provide at least 15 pictures and any wishes/requests for our graphic mod to work with.

SECOND PLACE - 9750 points

This year's prize is 15 icons! Please provide at least 11 pictures and any wishes/requests for our graphic mod to work with.

THIRD PLACE - 7350 points

This year's prize is 10 icons! Please provide at least 7 pictures and any wishes/requests for our graphic mod to work with.

All prizes will be sent out on January 15th.

Special mention goes to our:


agirlnamedtruth, amor_remanet, arsenicjade, darth_firefly, entangled_now, gala_apples,
gingayellow, havah24601, inmh,
katsuko, kittycrackers, kittys_devil, kkscatnip, lizibabes, mahmfic, meatball42, rinkafic, the_me09, theun4givables, timelordshines

And players who actually took us up on the challenge of


meatball42 and punch

The prizes this year is a wallpaper; please provide a picture (and any wishes) for our mod!

Thank you to everybody for playing! Stay with us for Amnesty Mini-Challenges and Round 4!

!administrivia, !administrivia: winners, round: 3

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