of_nightingalesFandoms SuperWho (Supernatural/Doctor Who crossover), Supernatural
H/C experiments by evil scientists, stalkers, wild card (cuddling for warmth), insecurity, hypothermia
WinterFandom: SuperWho
Prompt: Hypothermia
Medium fic
Wordcount: 998
Rating: G
Warnings/Notes: AU (Sam and Amy as teenage runaways, Sam running from his brother and father, Amy from her foster family. They grow up together as hunters, close as brother and sister)
Summary: Poor weather conditions aren't something either Sam factored into his plan of running away from home.
HomeFandom: SuperWho
Prompt: Insecurity
Medium fic
Wordcount: 798
Rating: G
Warnings/Notes: AU (Sam and Amy as teenage runaways, Sam running from his brother and father, Amy from her foster family. They grow up together as hunters, close as brother and sister)
Summary: Staying at Bobby's was a nice break from the running.
StalkedFandom: SuperWho
Prompt: Stalkers
Medium: fic
Wordcount: 722
Rating: G
Warnings/Notes: AU (Sam and Amy as teenage runaways, Sam running from his brother and father, Amy from her foster family. Grew up as hunters together)
Summary: Amy notices someone's been following them, someone who always seeming to be just a few steps behind them during their hunts...
I'll Cover YouFandom: Supernatural
Prompt: Cuddling for Warmth (Wild Card)
Medium: fic
Wordcount: 798
Rating: G
Warnings/Notes: AU (Sam went to Purgatory with Cas instead of Dean). Sam/Castiel
Summary: Some parts of Purgatory are as cold as Hell is hot. Sam would probably find it poetic if he had time to stop and think about it, but running for your life doesn't really allow for that kind of time.
ExperimentsFandom: Doctor Who
Prompt: Experiments by Evil Scientists
Medium: Art
Size 600x252
Rating: G
Warnings/Notes: torture(?)