amor_remanet (
second card).
Fandoms: Supernatural, Supernatural RPF.
H/C: bites, humiliation, counseling, severe/life-threatening illness, depression, motion sickness, restrained, WILD CARD (body image issues), scars, hostile climate, time travel gone wrong, WILD CARD (abandonment issues), unwanted transformation.
Nobody's Business But Mine.
Fandom: Supernatural; Cas.
Prompts: bites, humiliation, counseling, severe/life-threatening illness, depression.
Medium: Fic.
Rating: PG-13.
Word Count: 3,600.
Warnings: High school AU, chubby!Cas. Angst and some hurt/comfort. Depictions and discussion of: weight gain, emotional eating, and body image issues; depression, mental health issues, and self-induced isolation; internalized homophobia; references to bullying.
Summary: Food's supposed to keep Cas from looking at them. Food's supposed to satiate him and make it so he doesn't want anything else, much less things with other boys.
Fandom: Supernatural RPF.
Prompts: motion sickness, restrained, WILD CARD (body image issues), scars, bites.
Medium: Fic.
Rating: PG-13.
Word Count: 4,100.
Warnings: College-based AU, chubby!Jensen, unrequited love & pining!Misha, weight gain & feeding; slightly chubby!Misha, chubby!Genevieve; UST, stuffing, references to D/s sexuality and play. Kink without plot.
Summary: In which Jensen happily makes a Thanksgiving spectacle of himself.
Straight Up.
Fandom: Supernatural RPF.
Prompts: hostile climate, time travel gone wrong, WILD CARD (abandonment issues), unwanted transformation, counseling.
Medium: Fic.
Rating: PG-13.
Word Count: 5,650.
Warnings: College-based AU, chubby!Jensen, unrequited love & pining!Misha, weight gain & feeding; angst, discussion of eating disorders and mental health issues; hints of chubby!Jared.
Summary: In which the J's argue, Mark and Misha argue, and everything goes to Hell in a hand-basket made of angst.