BINGO: blackout.

Nov 14, 2012 22:36

Author: amor_remanet ( second card).
Fandoms: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, Original, Supernatural, Star Trek: TOS, Supernatural RPF.

H/C: Stockholm syndrome, phobias, death, forced to participate in illegal/hurtful activity, bites, learning to be loved, electrocution, side-effects, scars, humiliation, hostile climate, time travel gone wrong, wild card (mental health issues), unwanted transformation, counseling, family, restrained, job-related trauma, self-harm, severe/life-threatening illness, motion sickness, post-traumatic stress disorder, serial killers, forced to rely on enemy/rival, depression.

Title: my brother, my killer.
Fandom: Original.
Prompt: Stockholm syndrome.
Medium: Fic.
Rating: PG-13.
Word Count: 840.
Warnings: References to past abuse and past sibling incest.

Title: Untitled.
Fandom: Supernatural; Amy Pond/Lenore.
Prompt: phobias.
Medium: Fic.
Rating: PG.
Word Count: 771.
Warnings: No standard warnings apply.
Summary: "I really do want to hope that he's appreciated what you did for him, Sweetheart, but… I don't really know how much I trust that hope, when it comes to the Winchesters. I don't know how much we can trust any kind of hope when it comes to them. They're just too unpredictable. Sometimes, they respect that not all monsters are dangerous-other times, we're all inherently evil and we all deserve to die."

Title: Andante.
Fandom: Original.
Prompt: death.
Medium: Fic.
Rating: PG.
Word Count: 680.
Warnings: No standard warnings apply.

Title: Rubs Me Wrong.
Fandom: Supernatural RPF.
Prompt: forced to participate in illegal/hurtful activity.
Medium: Fic.
Rating: PG-13.
Word Count: 4,275.
Warnings: College-based AU, chubby!Jensen, unrequited love & pining!Misha, weight gain & feeding; UST, angst and hurt/comfort; depictions/discussion of eating disorders & body image issues,mental health issues, and past bullying.
Summary: In which Jensen makes some discoveries and Misha makes some confessions.

Title: Guided Indulgence For Beginners.
Fandom: Supernatural RPF.
Prompt: bites.
Medium: Fic.
Rating: PG-13.
Word Count: 4,200.
Warnings: High school AU, feed(er)ism & weight gain; chubby!Jared. Mild hurt/comfort, mild body image issues; mostly, it's just fluff and kink without plot, though.
Summary: "Why didn't you just say so, Jay?" he says through a snicker. "If that's what you want…"

Title: Untitled.
Fandom: Supernatural/Star Trek: TOS; Dean/Castiel.
Prompt: learning to be loved.
Medium: Fic.
Rating: PG.
Word Count: 1,215.
Warnings: References to past abuse.
Summary: "Dean," Cas insists with a sigh, wilting into the headboard and folding his hands in his lap. "Captain Kirk has no authority to make you tell your mother about what your father put you through. He has no authority to involve himself in your personal life, much less to make anything he says in this vein a direct order. You do not have to do this."

Title: Concerto No. 10.
Fandom: Original.
Prompt: electrocution.
Medium: Fic.
Rating: PG-13.
Word Count: 1,175.
Warnings: Sibling incest (consensual), references to past abuse.

Title: Don't Let Them Get You Down.
Fandom: Supernatural; Dean/Castiel.
Prompt: side-effects.
Medium: Fic.
Rating: PG.
Word Count: 1,700.
Warnings: Apple pie college AU, genderqueer!Dean. Chubby/obese!Dean & chubby/obese!Cas; pear-shaped boys. Some mild angst and hurt/comfort; discussion/depiction of gender-related dysphoria. Kink without plot. Some D/s overtones (dom!Cas & sub!Dean).
Summary: In the middle of lathering up his leg, as he's working the pomegranate shower gel up enough for him to shave, something sparks up in the back Dean's head-an idea. Enough of one that he splutters out, "Hey, Cas?"

Title: I would bear it all broken.
Fandom: Original.
Prompt: scars.
Medium: Fic.
Rating: PG.
Word Count: 550.
Warnings: references to past abuse and sibling incest.

Title: As From A Chrysalis.
Fandom: Supernatural RPF; Jensen/Misha.
Prompt: humiliation.
Medium: Fic.
Rating: PG-13.
Word Count: 8,700.
Warnings: High school AU; chubby!Misha (references to chubby!Jared and past chubby!Jensen); weight gain (unintentional, with stuffing; button-popping; weighing and measuring, exact numbers). Hurt/comfort, angst (self-esteem and self-consciousness issues; depictions of anxiety; discussion of weight loss & dieting). Humiliation (in public, verbal and situational; weight-related shaming; humiliation by an authority figure).

Summary: Jensen is absolutely, totally not checking Misha out, because Misha is his best friend and that would be really awkward. Misha doesn't believe that Jensen would ever look at him, anyway.
Also Posted At: Livejournal.

Title: Don't Listen To A Word.
Fandom: Supernatural.
Prompt: hostile climate.
Medium: Fic.
Rating: NC-17.
Word Count: 1,660.
Warnings: Apple pie college AU, genderqueer!Dean. Chubby/obese!Dean & chubby/obese!Cas; pear-shaped boys. Kink without plot. Feed(er)ism. Authority figures!kink. Masturbation.
Summary: He doesn't get hard yet. Not even from squishing his stomach's pliant flab between his hands-but, then again, it's better that way. Gives Cas more time to work himself up, more time to enjoy this.

Title: but that's not unusual (then give me another word for it).
Fandom: Original.
Prompt: time travel gone wrong.
Medium: Fic.
Rating: PG-13.
Word Count: 760.
Warnings: References to past abuse, sibling incest, magically induced self-harm.

Title: Untitled (icon post).
Fandom: Teen Wolf.
Prompt: WILD CARD (mental health issues).
Medium: Icons.
Rating: PG.
Word Count: 40 icons.
Warnings: No standard warnings apply.

Title: and nothing left to burn.
Fandom: Original.
Prompt: Unwanted transformation.
Medium: Fic.
Rating: PG-13.
Word Count: 775.
Warnings: references to past abuse.

Title: don't lose your nerve.
Fandom: Original.
Prompt: counseling.
Medium: Fic.
Rating: PG.
Word Count: 790.
Warnings: References to past abuse, sibling incest.

Title: I take it from his whisper.
Fandom: Original.
Prompt: family.
Medium: Fic.
Rating: PG-13.
Word Count: 1,320.
Warnings: References to past abuse, sibling incest.

Title: Appassionata.
Fandom: Original.
Prompt: restrained.
Medium: Fic.
Rating: PG-13.
Word Count: 1,670.
Warnings: References to past abuse, sibling incest.

Title: Oh, Right, That.
Fandom: Supernatural RPF.
Prompt: job-related trauma.
Medium: Fic.
Rating: PG-13.
Word Count: 2,370.
Warnings: College-based AU, chubby!Jensen, unrequited love & pining!Misha, weight gain & feeding; UST, some angst and hurt/comfort, mostly vague depictions/discussion of mental health issues (anxiety and eating disorders).
Summary: In which Misha's progress toward health is slow and debatable but present, and pretty much everyone wishes he'd let taking next semester off be less than hypothetical.

Title: Stitched together with good intentions.
Fandom: Supernatural RPF.
Prompt: self-harm.
Medium: Fic.
Rating: R.
Word Count: 4,430.
Warnings: College-based AU, chubby!Jensen, unrequited love & pining!Misha, weight gain & feeding; UST, some angst and hurt/comfort, mostly vague depictions/discussion of mental health issues (anxiety, depression, and eating disorders), sexuality (masturbation and fantasizing).
Summary: (414): I wish there was a "friends who have gained the most weight since high school" filter on facebook for when I am feeling fat. Or: in which Misha has Tuesday off, so he spends it alone with his hand and some mildly vindictive Facebook stalking.

Title: Untitled.
Fandom: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.
Prompt: severe/life-threatening illness.
Medium: Fic.
Rating: PG-13.
Word Count: 640.
Warnings: All humans AU. Angst, depictions of mental health issues (depression, anxiety).
Summary: They don't speak, as soon as they set up the egg timer, leave the bathroom. Roy flops onto the sofa and Cady skulks into the kitchen, tries to find something that she can do with herself for ten minutes.

Title: Symphony No. 3.
Fandom: Original.
Prompt: motion sickness.
Medium: Fic.
Rating: PG-13.
Word Count: 535.
Warnings: References to past abuse, sibling incest.

Title: why? I don't know.
Fandom: Original.
Prompt: post-traumatic stress disorder.
Medium: Fic.
Rating: PG-13.
Word Count: 685.
Warnings: References to past abuse, sibling incest. Depictions of mental health issues (anxiety, depression, PTSD).

Title: Untitled.
Fandom: Supernatural; Sam/Jessica.
Prompt: serial killers.
Medium: Fic.
Rating: PG.
Word Count: 607.
Warnings: Angst, AU (Jess lives), moral ambiguity.
Summary: "So, that's really why you never talk about your family, isn't it?"

Title: (310): Espresso. Can't sleep. Love puppies.
Fandom: Supernatural.
Prompt: forced to rely on enemy/rival.
Medium: Fic.
Rating: PG-13.
Word Count: 1,000.
Warnings: Genderbent, college AU setting. Depictions of mental health issues (bipolar disorder).
Summary: Gabrielle's trying to edge her way into Dreamland when her phone goes off, blaring "Supermassive Black Hole" right in her ear. She probably shouldn't, but she groans anyway, mumbles a what the fuck do you want into the receiver.

Title: Ten Reasons Why Mark Sheppard Is Not A Goddamn Therapist.
Fandom: Supernatural RPF.
Prompt: depression.
Medium: Fic.
Rating: PG-13.
Word Count: 6,500.
Warnings: College-based AU; angst and hurt/comfort; depictions/discussion of eating disorders & body image issues, mental health issues (depression & anxiety), and past bullying; discussion of weight gain, feed(er)ism.

Summary: "Princess, please-just to whom do you think you're speaking here? You get frazzled because you think you looked at Jensen for too long while he's dating someone else. You're not trying to get him into bed." Mark shakes his head-why on Earth Misha thought that might work is just beyond him. (In which Mark and Misha talk a lot about Misha's feelings, but don't really resolve anything.)
Also Posted At: Livejournal.

prompt: electrocution, prompt: unwanted transformation, prompt: bites, fandom: rpf: actors: supernatural, r: prompt: death, prompt: learning to be loved, [medium: icons], prompt: post-traumatic stress disorder, prompt: restrained, prompt: phobias, prompt: self-harm, prompt: forced to participate in illegal, fandom: original, prompt: side effects, fandom: supernatural, fandom: my little pony, prompt: stockholm syndrome, prompt: depression, prompt: family, prompt: counseling, prompt: hostile climate, prompt: humiliation/degradation, prompt: motion sickness, r: prompt: time travel gone wrong, fandom: star trek: tos, bingo: blackout, prompt: mental health issues, [medium: fic], prompt: job-related trauma, prompt: serial killers, prompt: scars, prompt: forced to rely on enemy / rival

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