That time of year aqain.

Jan 10, 2012 12:17

Wow, the first con of the year is almost upon us. How quickly it sneaks up. My boxes are wending their way to the con. Im printing up my alst bit of extras today. tomorrow I pack and start worrying aobut the border as usual. I should be arriving late Thursday night. I'll be crashing with Diana Stein and Shinigami girl and hanging with uisual priate crew. We'll miss you Terrie! got art for the general and adult parts of the art show. For the table I have the uaual prints, bookmarks and the 2012 fanstastic RARe calendars! I'll also be doing sketches in books or on bristol and badges. And of course I'm looking foward to seeing new freinds and old. Can't wait to see eveyone! Looking forward to seeing all the entires into the Pirates Clue challendge as well as seeing who was the dastardly murderer. See a few of the pics and their lots o' fun. Only two more days! Oh yes, new convetion centre, new hotel, same genral area. Can't wait!!!
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