Aug 06, 2011 19:01
Ah first weekend home in four weeks. Off to market as it's that wonderful time of the year withne local produce is flooding the place. Yum! Most of the vendors are local Mennonites so that means grass fed, non drugged meat and organic, non pesticide veg and fruit. Ah heavenly. My favourite beef seller has the most amazing beef I've ever tasted. Been craving red meat so I bought a lovely roast and tonight cooked it so it was still nice and bloody inside. First crop local white potatoes mashed and local butter beans with plenty of tasty gravy and horse radish (also locally made). Such a heavenly meal! Also made banana bread and pesto sauce from local basil to freeze. And I got to make my banana bread with pecans in it like I like! A lunch meal of field tomatoes and lovely crusty sourdough bread (also from the market) and freash basil plucked from my garden. I feel like I've been in the kitchen all day but it was worth it. Freezer is restocked with free range chicken breasts, ground beef and round steak. Lovely NY sirloin strip steaks await tomorrow's barbacue. Table groaning under local peaches, apricots,nectarines and especially field tomatoes. Only thing not found was seneca grapes but they should be available soon. Man I love this time of the year! Heading for a meat coma but need to work on bsdges tonight. and how was your saturday?