No, I didn't get a permanent job. Yesterday's interview went okay, I guess. I can never gauge those things. But, I interviewed today for a 3+ months temp assignment, and I got the position! I'm pretty happy about that because it pays $27 an hour and time and a half after 40 hours. It'll be nice to have some steady income for the next few months. Of course, that means I'll have to cut down on my gaming, but I can do that, I think...
In other news, I got comix!
Rogue #8
Well, I'm not really into the Sunfire/Silver Samurai/Deathstrike plot, but it's entertaining, at least. I like the art in general, but I'm not quite sure why Rogue's uniform has to ride so far up her ass. I mean, even spandex isn't that bad!
Gambit #7
Ooh...zombies. I like the new arc, so far, especially the vaguely threatening girl-cop. I don't know, though, something about the writing bugs me. I think it's that Gambit is just so "good." I want bad-boy Remy!
New X-Men Academy X #10
WTF? What is going on here? Have the writers been possessed by demons? This plot came out of left field and makes no sense in relation to the character they've built for David thus far. I can only assume it's some sort of dream/alternate dimension/evil twin thing, but c'mon! And I'm not sure why some of the characters have such huge feet...
X-Men #167
The yumminess of this book just cements in my mind how awful Austen's writing was. Things I loved:
--Remy hurls
--Bobby ridicules Rogue & Gambit's relationship
--Alex tells Lorna she's acting "crazy"
--Logan says "eh"
I guess Milligan is going to break up Gambit and Rogue (again), which doesn't thrill me, but at least he's giving them some dialogue and action. I'm so happy this book got the kind of writing it deserved!
Wild Girl #4
Okay, we're finally getting some exposition. It's still not quite clear what Rosa has to do (or why), but it seems that she's the savior of animal-kind. That appeals to my pagan sensibilities. It looks like there's gonna be some action in the next issue. I must say, I would love this book if the artist who did the greenhouse panels was the permanent artist. Those pages are just beautiful!
The Witching #9
Did I miss an issue? Yes, I did. That explains why I was so freakin' confused at the beginning of this one. Anyway, at long last the three are united which makes me so so so happy! I have to admit that I'm really amused by the General, who is an all-around offensive person. I mean, how can you not laugh at "Sweet jizzing Jesus!"?
X4 #3
Meh...there's a little explanation for why the X-Men got the same powers as the FF, which satisfies my previous complaint about this book. I don't know what's up with the giant fish on the cover, but maybe I'm just not "thinking outside the box." The Fantasticar crashes, which pleased me inordinately because I think it's a stupid contraption that makes anyone riding in it look stupid. Ben gets a chance to clobber Gumby/Logan, but then somehow lets him get away. I'm not thrilled with the art, it's a little too "sketchy" for me, but it's not horrendous. The thing that bugged me most was Beast's characterization. He seems a bit too "slangy" if you know what I mean? Since when does Henry greet Storm by saying "Hey, Storm"?
Ultimate X-Men #56
Once again, I've missed an issue here, but it doesn't seem like much happened, 'cause I don't feel lost at all. Jean manifests the Phoenix and then creeps me out by saying that Xavier taught her some "interrogation techniques." Ick. Colossus is adorably crushing on Longshot, much to Ali's annoyance. Kurt is predictably clueless about Piotr's "orientation." Did anyone else notice a 1602 parallel in some of the panels?
Astonishing X-Men #8
This book is making me like Scott. Damn you Whedon! I never thought I'd see the day when that happened. Who's Emma talking to? Hmmm? Any guesses? I sure don't have a clue. Is the Danger Room really angry or is that just a red herring? Again, damn you Whedon! ;)
Arana The Heart of the Spider #1
I heard about this book on
The Dragon Page, and it sounded interesting so I picked it up. I'm very glad that I did. I feared another Spider-Man clone, but this is completely different. The art is fantastic, the heroine is adorable and spunky, and her "handler" (for want of a better term) is totally hot. Definitely a fangirl's dream. I'm hoping we get more of Anya's backstory in future issues, though, since I think I might be confused if I hadn't heard the radio broadcast first.