Throneland Fic Dump

Nov 15, 2011 18:21

Title: Arya Stark, White as Snow
Author: pristineungift
Rating: PG-13 (barely)
Warnings: Fairy Tale Narrative Style; Implied Violence; Implied Incest
Summary: Arya Stark’s skin is pure and white as the snow of the North, and her hands as rough as those of any man. A retelling of Snow White, done for the Disney-fy Westeros Challenge on throneland. Jaime/Cersei; Robert/Cersei; Robert/Lyanna; Joffrey/Sansa; Arya; Tyrion.

( Arya Stark, White as Snow )

Title: The Eldest Stark
Author: pristineungift
Rating: G
Warnings: None.
Summary: Tyrion Stark is the eldest of the Stark children. He is also a dwarf, and loved both too well and not enough. Written for the Family Remix challenge on throneland - write a character born in a different house than the one they're in canonically.

( The Eldest Stark )

Title: Monster Face
Author: pristineungift
Rating: PG
Warnings: None
Summary: Written as a Halloween treat for meridian_rose. Tyrion talks to his niece and nephew on All Hallow's Eve.

( Monster Face )

Title: Tyrion's Bastard
Author: pristineungift
Rating: PG-13
Wordcount: 371
Warnings: Coarse Language; Sexual Concepts.
Summary: Tyrion and his bastard son get to know each other over wine and talk of women. Done for the Original Character Challenge on throneland. The accompanying biography and picspam can be found HERE.

( Tyrion's Bastard )

ship: cersei/jaime, character: joffrey baratheon, character: jaime lannister, ship: robert/lyanna, character: arya stark, =rating: pg, =length: drabble, =rating: pg 13, character: tyrion lannister, =length: one-shot, character: catelyn tully stark, character: cersei lannister, character: robert baratheon, ship: catelyn/ned

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