Game of Thrones: Original Character

Sep 29, 2011 13:19

This is for the Create an Original Character Challenge on throneland. I used Gabriel Mann to play my character. Biography, picspam, and drabble are under the cut. It's pretty spoiler free for both the show and the books because I still have limited knowledge.


Tyronicus Gold, called 'Ty' by those close to him, was the bastard son of Tyrion Lannister, though neither father nor son knew of their relationship until well after Tyronicus' seventeenth naming day. His mother, a whore in one of the houses owned by Petyr Baelish (Littlefinger), named him Tyronicus Gold in honor, she always claimed, of one of her most generous patrons and as a reference to her son's golden hair. She was later questioned by Littlefinger and revealed that Ty was Tyrion Lannister's bastard, and she had chosen 'Tyronicus Gold' in an effort to give her son a name worthy of a Lannister. Littlefinger kept this information to himself, seeing that it might one day give him some needed leverage.

Ty grew up in his mother's whore house, raised communally by the whores among all their other children. At an early age, after showing a talent for singing, he was enlisted to serve in The Stag's Men, a group of players whose sole duty was to entertain the royal children at King's Landing. Due to his golden hair, he often played famous Lannisters of the past, as well as portraying Prince Joffrey in several plays Queen Cersei commissioned that depicted her son's future glory. These roles earned him the nickname "The Bastard Lion" among players, though none knew how accurate the moniker was.

Seeing that the young player was clever, and able to move well in both noble and common circles due to his occupation, Lord Varys (The Spider), the Master of Whispers, recruited Ty to be one of his little birds, his whisperers. Ty served him faithfully and well for over a decade, learning the fine arts of spying and thievery. For ten years, he was one of The Spider's main sources of information concerning the royal children and the comings and goings of nobles in the whore houses, signing all of his coded messages as "Golden Thief," most likely yet another reference to his hair.

Ty was often seen at the side of another player and whore's bastard known only as Sweet Seirah. She often played the lead female roles in The Stag's Men, and quickly became Ty's leading lady both on and off the stage. Though they were not physically monogamous because they were both players and whores, they were deeply in love and completely faithful emotionally. Unknown to them was the fact that they were cousins, for Sweet Sarah was the bastard of Jaime Lannister. This fact was never known to Ty, Seirah, or either of their fathers, and seems to be recorded only in the meticulous notes Littlefinger kept on his whore houses.

It was when Littlefinger learned that Ty was one of The Spider's little birds that he revealed that Tyrion Lannister was Ty's father to him, in an effort to sway his loyalty and have Ty spy on The Spider for Littlefinger. Ty refused initially. However, The Spider heard whispers of the deal, and sent an assassin to kill Ty - but the poisoned dart missed him, killing instead his lady, Sweet Seirah. From that moment, Tyronicus swore vengeance on the Spider and began working for Littlefinger, who introduced him to Tyrion Lannister as a reward for service.

Tyrion Lannister was surprised to be presented with such a tall, vigorous, healthy son of normal stature and took Ty as his manservant, delighted to find that his son took after him in both cunning and sexual prowess, for among whores they became known as The Imp and The Beast.


Tyronicus Meeting with another of The Spider's whisperers

Tyronicus and Sweet Seirah dining in the whore house where they live

Tyronicus and Sweet Seirah appearing in one of the plays commissioned by Queen Cersei

Tyonicus' dramatic soliloquy at the end of Act V of "The Golden Stag"

Tyronicus and Sweet Seirah strolling in the palace gardens after completing an outdoor performance

Tyronicus kneeling next to the fallen Sweet Seirah, after she pushed him from the path of a poisoned dart

Tyronicus swears vengeance on The Spider.


Title: Tyrion's Bastard
Author: pristineungift
Rating: PG-13
Wordcount: 371
Warnings: Coarse Language; Sexual Concepts.
Summary: Tyrion and his bastard son get to know each other over wine and talk of women.

Tyrion's Bastard

"So I have a son," Tyrion mused as he poured himself another horn of wine. "You're taller than I expected you to be, bastard."

"And you shorter than I had thought my father would be, dwarf," Tyronicus retorted. He was tall and slender, fair of hair, and admittedly had a look of Tyrion about him in the shape of his jaw and expression in his eyes. They were in one of Littlefinger's whore houses, seated across from one another at a heavy oak table laden with food and drink.

Tyrion laughed. "You have spunk for a bastard, I'll give you that."

"And why shouldn't I, father? I think you'll agree that for men like you and I, spunk is one of the few things you must have." Tyronicus leaned forward, arching his eyebrows suggestively, "And one of the few things you have to give."

Catching the innuendo, Tyrion threw his head back and laughed again. "I think I'm going to like you, boy, though I've not yet given you leave to call me father. If you're going to be a lord's bastard, you should have a lord's manners."

"I've more manners than most lords I've met, father, and better looks to boot," Tyronicus smirked. For a split second, it felt as if Tyrion was looking into a mirror. The crease around the lips, the wry tone - they were all so familiar.

"So you have," he murmured, raising his glass. "So you have. Those manners will come in handy at court."

"At court?" Tyronicus questioned.

"You shall travel with me," Tyrion asserted, idly choosing a choice piece of fruit from the platter between them. "I imagine a clever fellow like you will come in rather handy to someone like me. That you are my son is an added bonus."

Tyronicus passed a slice of pear to his father, subtly slipping Tyrion's Lannister crest ring from his finger as he did so. Smiling, he held it up, enjoying the look of mild shock on his father's face. "I do have long, sticky fingers." He passed the ring back, watching as Tyrion replaced it on the finger Tyronicus had taken it from. "Whether I'm speaking of thieving or whoring is up to you."

!crossover, !picspam, comm: throneland, !fanfiction, got character: littlefinger, lots character: zeddicus zu'l zorander, got picspam: tyronicus lannister, lots character: salindra, lots pairing: zedd/salindra, !prompt, got character: tyrion lannister, !index post, actor: gabriel mann, !team lannister, got character: original character, fandom: legend of the seeker, got character: the spider, fandom: game of thrones, !fanart, !challenge

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