(no subject)

Apr 25, 2005 00:03

Well...played like crap in my game tonight...but we tied it up with 2 seconds left. So Im okay.

So I've been talking to this guy, last couple days. Seems preetty cool, and real ya know. Cool guy.

One final tomorrow morning and the semester is...wait for it... O V E R!

*looks at nails* I need a manicure.

Two more nightwatch shifts left this semester. Its gonna be a sad Tuesday night over in East. :*( But I'll make it. Lauren our time together at NWatch will be coming to an end soon, thanks so much for all the food and time hanging out. Im gonna miss it...the Lord did some beautiful things with that time. Im so thankful for it.

This weather abslutley sucks! only in Michigan can it be a record High 84 degree and four days later accumulate 2 inches of snow. Honestly.

Its suppose to be poopy weather all week, till Friday, when it stops raining. *cries*

Watched "Deal Me OUt" MASH ep today. freakin halarious. After watching a stint of seasons 5, and 6 . I realized how much I missed Trapper.

Night all, love ya,
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