The X Files - Redux I & II

Feb 06, 2008 20:13

I just loved, well loved probably isn’t the best word, but when Scully is in the hearing and she is right there with the friggin evidence of a fabrication and that they are responsible for her illness and she collapses. OMG THE FRIGGIN INTENSITY.

HOLY SHIT I WAS FREAKING OUT WHEN MULDER WAS TRYING TO GET TO SEE SCULLY. Hello all the people at the hospital where all assholes and where of no fucking help. They wouldn’t even answer Mulder’s inquires about Scully. ‘FOR FUCK SAKE JUST TELL HIM WHERE SHE IS!!!!!” I was tearing up when Mulder was fighting so hard to get to Scully and he was being restrained. OMG it was amazing. His utter determination and forcefulness to get to her is just brilliant. I can’t even describe their relationship its so strong. How do you even label it!?

Mulder comes and sees Scully and she is so stubborn and needs to know what has happened. Mulder is just so flawed at her persistence and loyalty to him. He tries and fails to change the topic. Man these two just blow me away with their scenes together. Shit and Scully wants to take the blame!?!? WTF, Scully is so awesome. Shit Mulder is so lucky to have her in his life. They would do anything for each other.

When Scully breaks down with her Mum was also such a big emotional revelation in her character. Someone who is so strong and refuses to let her weaknesses show is forced to face her impending death and what is important and what it all means. Gillian is so good in that scene. Ok I loved the scene when Mulder walked into her room and just broke down right next her. There were no words but you just know Mulder is just completely lost and doesn’t know what to do with the shit situation that they are in. He comes to his one and only comfort and constant, Scully.

That was a bit of a ramble but I just had to get down my thoughts whilst they were fresh in my mind.

tv: the x files, ship: mulder/scully

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