The X Files: Season 3 & 4

Feb 05, 2008 21:06

Whilst Season 1 and 2 were great I really think that the series hit it’s stride in Season 3. I friggin loved this season. I really love the conspiracy episodes the best, though the occasional random episodes are sometimes really cool. And full of LOL at times.

Ok Season 3. There are so many great episodes. Now was when I was having totally deja vu of episodes. I must have seen from Season 3 onwards when I was younger or something.
The series premiere was great. In The Blessing Way we see Mulder reunited with Scully. I love how she has the dream and that she just knows that he is still alive. They have such a great connection, I love it. Their chemistry is awesome too. Gillian and David are amazing on screen together. OMG her sister dieing was tragic. Will these Government leave anyone alone!?!?
Nisei and 731, two joining episodes that were awesome. They discover a tape of an alien autopsy that Mulder thinks could be real. Where as Scully has her doubts and rational scientific explanation. Despite this they pursue the case. Soon Mulder and Scully discover that they are doing experiments on human hybrids or something. Man it’s hard to bring up the details when sooo much has happened. Anyways Mulder is off exploring where they are taking the bodies and Scully helps until Mulder decides to jump the train where an 'alien' is seen being boarded. This episode was great seeing Mulder in his stride trying to uncover everything and anything. Mean while Scully explores some leads that lead her to an abandoned leper camp where they are doing experiments on human hybrids. I love all these conspiracy episodes that have to be the best part of the show. Mulder and Scully are both battling to discover the truth; as strong together as they are apart in uncovering the truth.

LOL then War of the Coprophages holy hell I loved this episode. It was so amusing. Mulder calling up Scully every time to ask her opinion and her answer always come out sounding plausible and more likely than the killer cockroaches! LOL and Scully’s reaction to the scientist. “Her name is Bambi?” LOL. It was just such a cool and crazy episode. &hearts!

Then straight after is Syzygy. OMG I was LOLing the whole time. The crazy moods and actions of people where changed cos of some lunar thingy. Scully is all grumpy and pissy because of the ridiculous reactions of the town’s people, and Mulder believing in it all. LOL OMG when they cut to Scully smoking a cigarette I lost it! LOL. So good.

All the crazy entity stuff that occurs through Piper Maru and Apocrypha! Krycek is such an awesome bad guy! OMG he is totally trapped in the silo. SHIT!

Then the amazing scene in Pusher when Mulder is being controlled by Pusher and he is using all his control to not shoot Scully.

Quagmire was highly amusing also. I loved the scene on that mini island after their boat sunk. A cute little moment with Mulder and Scully. Adorable much? LOL and then you discover the land is like a metre away! LOL

Ok on to Season 4. OMG Home. That was crazy. I was freaking out when they were trying to enter the house and that deputy or whatever totally got killed by that flying axe, wtf!?!? Totally screamed. LOL. I remember that Mulder made some crazy comment about being turned on or something when they were trying to get the cows to move, LOL. Mulder is made of so much win, ilhim.

Unruhe was awesome! I was freaking out at the end when Scully was trapped in that trailer with that psycho. GO MULDER GO!!!!! Shit I love the excitement.

The Field Where I Died was really great too. I loved the scene where Mulder was experiencing some of his past life. Man David is so awesome. SQUEE he likes to believe that they were friends in another life or always connected or something.

Both Tunguska and Terma where of course great cos it’s more of the conspiracy stuff revealed. I love Krycek/Mulder team!! FTW! Until he screwed him over. Bastard. OMG he was put in that Russian prison. Shit as if you would not be freaking out! Yah he totally got away! WIN!

Never Again was a good Scully episode. Its good to see Scully actually sort of stop and think seriously? What am I doing? A chance to take a chance and just do something spontaneous, like get a tattoo. WIN! ILOVEUSCULLY!

Memento Mori was amazing too. Seeing Scully so vulnerable and weak which is so different to her strong and kickass persona was good. OMG the letter she was writing to Mulder. OMG amazing. These two are so just idk I have no words. Mulder’s reaction and refusing to believe that there is nothing that can be done. He is relentless and cares deeply for Scully and you can just see it in his face when he says it. The hug was perfect at the end. *sigh*

I’ve already sort of posted about Small Potatoes but Ill add a WIN! So funny! As “Alexia88” reminded me in a comment - “F.B.I!” LOL David is so adorable!

Just watched Demons and the total and utter devotion, loyalty and support they give each other is amazing. I just love it. Scully rushing to Mulder. She is so supportive, his rock. Just being there though it all. She never wavers from him. Similar to how Mulder is so supportive and relentless in the pursuit for answer about Scully in Memento Mori.

OMG I was looking over the episode summaries in my box set and YES! I totally remember some of the episodes. HELLO! Triangle - that was always the episode I loved and called the ‘Titanic’ episode. Yeah I was a Titanic fanatic. OH OH and Dreamland, LOL. I totally forgot about Scully and her baby and shit there is so much more to come and I can’t wait. I am weird and refuse to watch them again until I am actually up to them. I have to watch in order. This is a sort of a brief post of my thoughts. I think from now I’ll post after an episode that I loved as to remember in better detail.

I don't think that words can even describe the amazing epic adventure that is The X Files. Mulder and Scully are known worldwide. David and Gillian are the ones that brought them to life. They create such dynamics and dimensions to these characters that we love and adore and choose to watch over all the years. It’s them that we go back to watch. It’s these two that bring forward the questions that keep us guessing and wanting more. Their chemistry is what we love to see develop as they continue on their journeys that are now intertwined after all their experiences. Everyone should watch the show. Any one who has negative words or thoughts about the show has obviously never seen it. WATCH IT!
(Though most of you probably do cos you are all awesome!)

tv: the x files, ship: mulder/scully

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