No One Mourns The Wicked

Jan 22, 2008 15:17

Las Vegas baby! I should probably write up about my awesome time there as I have been home for a week now.

We arrived in Vegas at night and checked into The Palms. My Dad knew the wine director at Nine, a steak house in the hotel so we got a table there just after we arrived.

We were starving. Our table wasn't ready so we got ourselves a drink at the bar. This place was really cool. Not just a simple smart restaurant but it was well light and had on awesome music. You felt like you were in a nightclub not a restaurant. I had my cosmo and was feeling pretty good. A great meal and many drinks, and yah free desert! I also scanned the wine list, yah out wine was on there! Its always fun when I am traveling to see where my Dad's wine is being sold.
We were pretty tired so we crashed. The next day we walked around the strip looking at all the casinos and shops. We totally got a free shot like just off the street if we signed up for a ladies night. Cool! I did notice that smoking was not banned here so everywhere was smoky which sucked cos I LOATH smoke and smokers. Nothing against them as a person I just cannot stand it. That sucked but ya know your only there for a few days so its bearable.
That night we had tickets to see The Blue Man Group. This show was amazing. It was so different and exciting to watch. They experimented with music, sound and lighting. They took simple everyday items and made entire sketches out of them. Its hard to explain unless you have seen it but its really good. I recommend this for something a little different from musical theatre and if your into some random stuff. A fair bit of audience participation that was fun and entertaining to watch! I love watching how awkward it is for some people. LOL.
AHHH how could I forget!?!?! We were getting ready to go out for the night and planned for dinner, the show than Moon nightclub cos the guy we knew there could get us in as VIP guests ahead of the lines, woot! Anyways we were coming down out of the elevator and who did we see? Josh Duhamel, Molly Sims and a few others from the cast or Las Vegas!!!! IT WAS AWESOME! We totally met them all and got photos and all that! It was great. They were all really nice and Josh was just adorable and gorgeous! He was happy to pose for a photo and talk. SQUEEE that had me on a high for the rest of the night. The cast were there to celebrate the 100th Episode at Moon Nightclub. It was cool cos later on that night we were totally all on the dance floor dancing. It was sooo much fun. Nightclub itself was awesome. Cool lights on the floor that changed colours and stuff. It was on the roof so you had to take an elevator to it. Outside on the balcony you could see all of Vegas, lights and all. Amazing views! We danced away the night and had heaps of fun.
The next day we walked around the other half of the strip and checked out the other casinos.

Pretty slow day cos we were super tired. Went back to the hotel early and a had a little rest. Tonight we had tickets to see Cirque Du Soleil - KA. We arrived at the theatre and I already loved it. All the ushers where dressed up and in character. They were all these cool villages from some random made up village in the KA 'world'. They were great. Telling stories about the others and about what is happening. Ok I wanted a drink so I just got a large diet coke. Ok its was the biggest fucking thing I ever saw. I swear it was at least 1 litre of liquid. I was like FUCK who can drink all that?!?! Mah it was cool to hold and laugh over. Inside the theatre it look amazing. The seats where low down and you felt like you were right in amongst it. Around the edges of the stage and in and around the seating were pillars with walkways and railings on them. It reminded me of a Waterworld type feel or Zyon in The Matrix. OK the show itself BLEW ME AWAY! It was fantastic. Id seen another Curque Du Soleil before and it was great acrobatics etc but this was even more. It was a story. I wont go into it but the entire stage moved around. It went vertical for parts of it to act as a cliff side. The characters climbed all over it and it look wicked. No friggin harnesses but these actors climbing all over it. There was a chase scene so you watch how many of them fell, jumped and leapt around on a vertical angle. My mouth was like open in ore the whole time. There was just so many amazing things. It just an emotional experience as well. You are witness to these amazing things that are extraordinary to watch. People are doing these things. Shit there is so much talent out there.
We were gonna go clubbing again cos there were so many good places but we were seriously tired. I could barely keep my eyes open. LOL. We just had dinner and a few drinks then crashed. Yeah I am real hard core!

The last day was a relaxing day. Spa, salon and the gym. My idea of heaven.

I got up early and went to the gym. Then I had a booking for a facial, eye brow wax and a spa pedicure. AHHH it was great. I love getting facials your face feels so fresh and nice afterwards. The spa pedicure was great too. Cool massage chair, I got a free diet pepsi, assortment of magazines. Perfect. It looked great. I also saw this girl getting hair extensions and was curious cos I really wanna get the good quality ones. I knew they were expensive but when I asked it was 1500-1800. OMFG. Jeesh! I kinda cannot afford that. I am crazy cos my hair is super long already but I want to thicken it. Oh well maybe someday when I can afford it.
We had a great dinner in The Venetian and went and saw the show outside of the Treasure Island hotel. It was great. I was laughing the whole time. It was this short performance they give every 90 minutes every night. It was the sirens vs. the pirates. LOL. The sirens where these gorgeous girls strutting around the ship dressed in leather bikinis doing a strip tease routine with out the naked. I loved it cos it was so Vegas. Good times.

It was time to return home. : ( It was a crazy trip home. I had to go Las Vegas/Los Angeles/San Franscisco/Sydney/Adelaide. LONG. The wait time for my connections I finished an entire book. Hello there is nothing else to do! LOL. It was better than on the way over though. YES! I got to watch Superbad on the plane. Ok the fucking funniest movie I have seen in ages. SEE IT! I had just finished reading The Jane Austen Book Club and yah it was on the plane. It was good. I actually preferred it to the book. Shocking I know. I usually hate film versions of books or prefer the book over the movie. It was great. I love Marie Bello and cos of Private Practice Amy Brenneman. So it was great to see them.

That is about it. My recent trip over. Now I kinds need to get on with my life...sometime.

actor: molly sims, las vegas: casinoes, random: travel, actor: josh duhamel, las vegas: nightclubs, las vegas: shows

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