I want you to stop acting like a Dranit.

Aug 03, 2007 14:08


Apart from arriving home from Canada three weeks ago nothing really interesting has happened. I would update more but seriously do you wanna hear about how boring my life is?No. I though not.

Straight back to my old work which is great to see all my friends but I had totally forgotten or blanked out how much of a BIATCH my boss is. Seriously she is just the biggest ungreatful cow sometimes. ARGGGGG. I NEED TO GET A BETTER JOB NOW!!! I am attempting to change around my resume which is currently going on 10 pages and apparently 2-3 is the maximum, FUCK. How am I suppose to fit in how brilliant I am in 2-3 pages, seriously?!?
I am trying to find a 9-5 doing admin or something cos this hospitality stuff is driving me up the fucking wall and the hours are unpredictable and draining. If I intend to travel the States in December I need to save up about 8 grand in 5 months which I really dont see happening which is why the other day I had the BIGGEST melt down/stress attack on EVERYTHING. I cried the hardest I have in...I cant even remember but it felt good, ya know.
So other than working there is CRAP all to do soooooo because of the damn TV hiatus I started to re-watch my Xfiles DVD's but hold on I only have season 1 which I have seen a million times so i changed to Farscape. People on flist or whoever may not of heard of it but its awesome!!!! Sci-fi show with lots of crazy awesome characters with some cool plots and action and humour its just so full of awesomeness and I LOVE IT!!!! PLUS there is JOHN AND AERYN LOVE ALL THE WAY THROUGH. These two KILL me. There journey is so full of angst and heartache. The scenes with them are just to cute for words i cant get over it. DID I MENTION HOW MUCH I LOVE THEM?!?!
PLUS filmed in Australia so full of Aussie actors so it rocks even more!!!

Found some cool stuff on YOUTUBE but ill put under cut if you have no desire to watch. Its a just a great JOHN/AERYN moment and a couple of bloopers stuff that is always amusing. IMO

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Bloopers Reel Part One

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Bloopers Reel Part Two

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These two kill me. I love it. I am not up to this episode again yet but basically I think Aeryn cant deal with being around Critchton because she watched his copy (some alien device split him into two identical versions of himself) die so cant deal with being around the OTHER Critchton. Too much pain etc etc. They have words and yeah its just heartbreaking to watch.

Also been watching all the McLeod's Daughters episodes that I missed whits in Canada. It sucks that the only place I can download the episodes that cost 2 bucks and are 500 MB in size?!? WTF so annoyig but I HAVE to see me some Stevie and Alex love. FINALLY they hooked up and he proposed and it was adorable. Except I jsut heard that Aaron Jeffery is leaving the show, for serious?!?! Man thats what pisses me off about this show. It really is just a soapie he will be the last of the original cast to leave the show. I dont think there are any MCLEODS DAUGHTERS left on the show, they are all distant cousins of sisters or someone or rather. Everytime a new character starts I hate them but end up liking them.    I guess Ill have to accept that the characters are gonna come and go. Oh well its not an obsession show, just one of the many other random shows I watch, LOL Man, it seriously sounds like I dont have a life does it?

Well not much else to update on. Just same old work, the gym and watching Farscape at the moment.

Oh one last thing. What is with all the losers on the internet trashing Harry Potter and the epiloge? I thought it was sweet and a great ending to an awesome series. Those people can just GTFO, Harry Potter WINS and JK did an awesome job.

later people, stay safe


ship: john/aeryn, tv: x files, tv: farscape, tv: mcleods daughters, work, tv: weeds

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