A life lived in fear, is a life half lived

Jul 23, 2007 19:40

I just finished Harry Potter and it was just phenomenal.

I went to Victor Harbour for a girls weekend where we ate way to much crap and drank too much. It was fun. My friend made an amazing meal and we enjoyed it dressed in our 'Bad taste' outfits. It was a themed night. I dont know why, just for fun to make it different. The outfits were just OMG shocking. Most of course came from our mum's wardrobes.I actually got out this really bad dress of my mum's and walked into the sitting room "Mum check out this dress its is shocking I HAVE to wear it!" Mum = "Um if it fit me I would wear it" (she was being serious) CRAP i felt really bad but mah it was shocking i had to wear it.
So good times were had and Harry Potter reading were i could.
I will talk about it under the cut as not to spoil. I am a Harry nut so be warned.....SPOILERS FOR HARRY POTTER SO DONT CLICK IF HAVEN'T READ IT!!!!!!!!!

I don't know what others thought but in my opinion it was the best book. Well you need all of them for it to all make sense but overall it was just OMG amazing. Ill try and sound coherant but who knows, LOL....

OMG Dobby. That was a shock and so sad I was crying. And Harry physically dug the hole trying to keep the grief away. Nawww I love it!

All the stuff about the Horocruxes was so awesome and intertwined the Deathly Hallows. Loved it.

Ok i was freaking out when Harry's wand broke. AHHHHHH its his wand! His baby. Been through everything.

Ginny's birthday present, LOL Ron, PISS OFF, LOL

OMG Lupin and Tonks to frikking cute for words like ahhh i love that they got married. and little Teddy, and making Harry the godfather it was just too much. I thought that may die cos of some FUCK WITS spoiler but it was sad and there were tears. for them and that they will never get to know there child, ok i will cry right now if i write more....

The sneaking into the Ministry of Magic and all that was cool. Umbridge again, LOL

When they were camping and overhead the conversation about Ginny, Neville and Luna breaking into Snape's office to get the Griffindor sword, SQUEEE, FLAIL AND ALL THAT!!! I love their little gang it just so cool and that they were doing all that DA stuff at Hogwarts. So awesome. My friend and I were reading at the same time and we were both flailing together at this point. LOL LOVE IT!!!!

Potterwatch over the radio was like too awesome. with Lee Jordan as the announcer, so cool i missed him commentating the quidditch matches, always made me laugh...

Was sooo scared when Hermoine was being tortured by Bellatrix ekkkkk, oh Ron he has so much love

Breaking into Gringotts was very cool also. Replicating gold and dragons, woot man i wish i lived in harry potter land.....

I knew that would have to go back to Hogwarts sometime so was so excited when they had to go back. and in the room of requirements with all the DA, i love imagining it all and how Harry must feel with everyone behind him and wanting to fight. YAHHHH
Ok Neville...OMG he fucking ROCKS! How he just shrugged off the wounds he had gotten from the callows(?) Go Neville. and him getting the sword at the end and kicking that snakes ASS, he he!!
FINALLY Ron and Hermoine snogged!!! LOL Man they are just too cute for words. Laughed out loud at the scene in question, so them!
Oh and the scene with Draco in the room of requirements that was intense. and they rescued him. i was glad cos i kinda like Draco dont know why he is just so damn smug i just love him. i wanted him to be good in end which he kinda did....but it was great.

So sad about Fred. SNIFF. more tears.

Ok the ending. I knew we had to find out about the deal  with why Dumbledore trusted Snape. It was perfect. Snape really isnt a nice person but his memories killed me. He was totally crushing on Lily and that he decided to change sides when he found out she was voldemort's next target.Nawwww. Just all that Snape had done was just awesome.
Back to the forest. I could not read the pages I was crying so much. When he saw his parents and sirius and Lupin. OMG it was amazing and just right ya know. He was facing death and he got to be with his parents and other people closest to him. sniff.
Facing voldemort and seeing Dumblefore was just un-put-down-able, actually from when they headed back to Hogwarts i just could not stop reading.....
Nineteen years later - this was the cherry on top. Ginny and Harry/Ron and Hermoine. Their kids. All i can say is Albus Severus. I just burst into tears. It was too cute, right, and so Harry that I just had to look away from the cuteness of it. Only thing is i wanted to know what happened to Luna....It was just a perfect ending.

That is all that I can recall at the moment about it. I hope that all Harry Potter fans enjoyed it and were satisfied.
I cant wait to read what others think.

J.K Rowling is a genius. She did an amazing job creating this world and all its characters. I will miss the anticipation of another book in the series but it just ended right. Satisfying and content and joy were among the feeling that I had (have) when I finished that last line.
Thanks to Rowling for an amazing seven books that have been a highlight of my life so far. I seriously love Harry Potter.

book: harry potter, australia: victor harbour

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