first post of 2012

Jan 01, 2012 18:57

Hey gang. So I just got back from doing the bridesmaid thing all weekend. (People have dresses! Parties are planned! Menus are set! My nephew loves the crap out of his Christmas present! YAY!) Being without good (and often ANY) internet for weeks now, I'm still incredibly behind on stuff. I haven't commented on most of the dSSS fics I've read yet, and I haven't even started on the Yuletide ones yet. I haven't thanked all of you for the lovely holiday cards that were sitting in my mailbox this afternoon (because, apparently, in addition to routinely losing my packages, my post office also fails at holding mail. Grr!) or replied to the emails and PMs I have waiting for me. And I haven't done the year end reflection thing or a fic list for 2011. I will do all of these things, probably tomorrow after I've slept and recovered a little.

However, I AM doing Aka's wonderful multi-fandom Snowflake Challenge tonight, because I think it's a really beautiful idea and can't stand the idea of flaking out on the very first day. So, go here to learn more about the Snowflake Challenge, and you can find some fannish navel gazing and my answers to Day 1 (self-rec your favorite/defining/overlooked works) under the cut.

Holy crap, self-reccing is hard for me. Writing and posting are hard for me. I am looking at my master fic list, and just about everything on here is a challenge, tag event, comment meme, big bang, or fic exchange. I've really only been posting stuff for a year now, and I still feel somewhat uncomfortable owning my fannish artistic stuff. I wrote a lot this year. But most of it I wrote because I was "supposed" to, because I had signed up for a challenge, or gotten a prompt, or told someone I would write X. It's totally a good thing that I signed up for more and more stuff as the year went on, and I am incredibly proud of myself for putting stuff out there. But my goal for 2012 is to write because it makes me happy, and to share it on the off chance that it makes someone else happy. I will try to stop apologizing for myself, which I know I do, and I will try to finally wrap my brain around the idea that the 12 people on my flist may actually want to read my fic, and maybe there are even other nameless, faceless people out there reading it too. It's trippy, y'all, but I will try to get over the shock of it.

Okay, so recs. My favorite fic that I've written is my due South Big Bang fic, Chasing Smoke, which is an AU where Fraser is a smoke jumper and Kowalski is a wildland firefighter in Arizona. I am incredibly proud of getting through the process of writing this thing. It's the longest thing I've ever written, longer than my master's thesis even. It took 6 months to do, and I actually did research and outlined and reconsidered story ideas and rewrote the whole thing three times. (I've never worked through blocks like that before; mostly stuff just languishes on my hard drive until I cannibalize it for something else.) And I finished it, even though insane things were happening all around me for most of those last couple months. It was a fantastic experience to write seriously like that, and the love and support of the writers, artists, and cheerleaders involved in that big bang was unlike anything I've experienced before. And, yeah, when I reread it now, I wish I'd done some things differently, and I regret the occasional word choice or whatever, but I also can't help but think about the next chapter in their story. I've been mentally plotting a sequel for a while now, and pretty soon I'm going to put pen to paper and start a real outline. And this time, it won't be because I don't want to let anyone else down after they worked so hard helping me. It will be entirely because I want to tell the story.

I also have a special place in my heart for two of my
dsc6dsnippets  pieces done this year, Lion Salient (DW, LJ, AO3) and Identity (DW, LJ, AO3). Both are Ray K character pieces, and in both cases I fell even more in love with Ray as I wrote them.

Finally, I have to say I love all the little comment fics I wrote on Halloween for various peeps and 'ships and shows. It was a very immediate thing, most of them getting turned around in an hour or so (before my internal filter could second guess them or decide they needed to be redone because they weren't "good enough"), and I had more fun doing these than just about anything else this year. I still don't have any intention of linking to them in my master ficlist or posting them anywhere else, but it made me sad to realize I didn't even tag the entries as "fic" when I put them up. /o\ So, yeah, go check out the silly, cracky little things. I'll even unlock the posts just in case some non-flisted snowflakers wander by and get curious. There's a Bill/Saul (BSG) thing for plaid_slytherin on LJ, and over on DW we have Frannie Vecchio (dS) setting her sights on Turnbull in my AU 'verse for Omens, a totally cracked out Molly Parker/Lady Gee (Canadian RPF/bandom) moment for Luce, Hugh/Callum (Canadian actor RPF) sweetness for Aka, and finally some Fraser/Kowalski (dS) Halloween candy-inspired flirting for Luzula.

...Okay, sleeping now. Reading/writing/stuff tomorrow. Love you all, hope you have a FANFUCKINGTASTIC new year!

This entry was originally posted at my dreamwidth. Comments are welcome either place.

drive-by post, witter natter blather blarney, fic rec, snowflakes

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