(no subject)

Jul 09, 2003 13:00

1] Like to give hugs?: You bet!
2] Like to walk in the rain?: Yes
3] Sleep with or without clothes on?: it depends
4] Prefer black or blue pens?: black
5] Dress up on halloween?: sometimes
6] Have a job?: taking care of my kitten!
7] Sleep on your side, tummy or back?: on my side
8] Think your attractive?: i'm a cute little thing!
9] Want to marry?: yes
11] Have a goldfish?: no, but i want one
12] Ever have the falling dream?: yeah
13] Have stuffed animals?: a lot

1] Abortion: i'd never do it, but i believe in the right to choose.
2] Eating disorders: they're terrible, emotionally draining experiences.
3] Rape: horrible.
4] Suicide: Death should never be an option for anyone. I think it's taking the easy way out.
5] South park: entertaining
6] Peircings: In 5 months and 13 days, my tongue and eyebrow! I have my eyes pierced right now.
7] Make-up: Don't need it. People are beautiful without it.
8] Drinking: It's pointless.

1] piss: few minutes ago
2] kiss: last night
3] good cry: a long time ago
4] library book checked out: Uhmm.. The Brothers Karamazov, i think.
5] movie seen: Forrest Gump
6] book read: 1984 by George Orwell (for the 5th time)
7] cuss word uttered: fuck
8] beverage drank: Sprite
9] food consumed: popcorn with sugar on it
10] crush: josh
11] phone call: Uhm.. i think it was my mom
12] tv show watched: Not a regular TV watcher
14] shoes worn: my Roxy shoes
15] cd played: Maren Ord
16] item bought: Tropical Sprite Remix
17] soda drank: Coca-Cola
18] thing written: my last journal entry
19] key used: one to my house
20] word spoken: fuck
21] sleep: last night
22] IM: James
23] sexual fantasy: Josh
24] ice cream eaten: Vanilla
25] time wanting to die: a few months ago
26] lipstick used: chap-stick, yeah.. and last night
27] time dancing: few days ago.
28] show attended: show... long time
29] webpage visited: LiveJournal.com

A - Age: 17
B - band: Incubus
C - Choice Of Meat: NONE
D - Dream Date: Uhmm.. mud wrestling match. Nah, just kidding. Late night picnic in the park and swinging on the swings and talking. If the person were Edward Norton, it'd be 10 times dreamier. Haha.
E - Excites You: having no writer's block
F - Favourite Food: Pizza
G - Greatest Gift: love
H - Happiest Day Of Your Life: A few weeks ago when i started living.
I - Internal conflicts: whether to run or stay
J - Junior whoppers: no way
K - Kool Aid: good for hair dye. But only if you get the packets with no sugar.
L - Love: bliss
M - Most Valuable Thing You Own: my heart and soul
N - Name: Christin Kay
O - Outfit I Love: jeans and a t-shirt
P - Pizza Topping: cheese
Q - Question I want to ask: What is my purpose here?
R - Roots: natural
S - Sport to watch: Extreme ones. Like BMXing and skateboarding
T - TV show: That 70's Show
U - Unique habits: Everything i do is unique because i do it differently than anyone else
V - View from the window: a long, gravel road.
Y - Yesterday's best meal: hahahaha... macaroni and cheese
Z - Zodiac Sign: Capricorn

my father thinks i am: intelligent, heartfelt, well-spoken, mature
my mother thinks i am: she doesn't think
my sibling thinks i am: loyal
my grandma thinks i am: a good person
my grandpa thinks i am: just like him
my boyfriend/girlfriend thinks i am: i wouldn't know
my best friend thinks I am: great

+your three best qualities = compassion, intelligence, creativity
+three worst qualities = forgetfulness, the fact that i'm slightly insecure when i have no reason to be, and my impatience in some situations
+three things you are often complimented for = my eyes and smile, my intelligence, my writing
+a compliment you got that made you blush = "Wow, you have a really nice ass."
+you get embarrassed when = I make a mistake
+makes you happy = love
+upsets you = ignorance

yes or no..

+you keep a diary = Yes
+you like to cook = yes
+you have a secret you have not shared with anyone = yes
+you fold your underwear = no
+you talk in your sleep = maybe
+you set your watch a few minutes ahead = i couldn't. i'm so anal about the time being to the exact minute
+you bite your fingernails = yes
+you believe in love = yes


x. you wish you could live somewhere else = yes.. maybe in Paris
x. you believe in online dating = I guess... that's how i met Josh
x. others find you attractive = yes
x. you want more piercings = yes
x. you want more tattoos = i want 1 or 2
x. you drink = Tropical Sprite Remix
x. you do drugs = i have but not anymore
x. you smoke = no
x. you like cleaning = noooo
x. you like roller coasters = sometimes
x. you write in cursive or print = print
x. you carry a donor card = yes

have you..

x. ever cried over a boy/girl = Yes
x. ever lied to someone = yes
x. ever been in a fist fight = yes
x. ever been arrested = no


x. shampoo do you use = Herbal Essences
x. perfume do you use = Curve
x. shoes do you wear = Roxy
x. are you scared of = tomorrow

|| Favorite: ||
4 letter word: uhm.. fuck?
Actor/actress: Edward Norton
Board game: Monopoly
Book: "The Awakening" by Kate Chopin
Candy: hmm.. Gobstoppers
Cartoon: don't watch 'em
Cereal: Cap'n Crunch
Chewing gum: Polar Ice
Color(s): blue, pink
Day of week: Friday
Flower: yellow rose, and white oleander
Jello flavor: strawberry
Jewelry: my puka shell necklace
Special skills/talents: writing
Summer/Winter: Winter
Trampolines or swimming pools: trampolines

|| Person who last: ||
Called you: Hana
Slept in your bed: me
You went to the movies with: Josh
Yelled at you: My mom
Sent you an email: Josh

|| Have you ever: ||
Said "I love you" and meant it?: Yes
Kept a secret from everyone: yes
Cried during a movie: yes
Planned your week based on the TV Guide: God no.
Been on stage: yep
Been to New York: no
Been to California: no
Hawaii: No
Mexico: No
China: No
Canada: no
Europe: no
Asia: no
South America: no
Australia: no
Wished you were the opposite sex: sometimes i wonder what it would be like to have a penis.
What time is it now?: 1:28 p.m.
Apples or bananas?: green apples
Blue or red?: blue
Walmart or target?: target
Spring or Fall?: spring
What are you gonna do after you finish this?: I don't know. I never plan.
High school or college?: well, i haven't gotten to college yet, but i'm not sure anything could be worse than high school right now.
Are you bored?: sort of
Last noise you heard?: my cat meowing
Last smell you sniffed?: chocolate cake
Last time you went out of state/province?: last summer

|| Friendship/Love: ||
Do you believe in love at first sight?: No
Do you want children one day & if so, how many?: yes, maybe 1 or 2.
Most important thing to you in a friendship is: Trust and honesty

|| Other Info: ||
Criminal record?: no
Do you speak any other languages?: only a little French
Name some of your favorite things in your bedroom?: books, pictures, guitar
Thing you dislike about yourself the most: my impatience at some things
Worst feeling in the world: loneliness
Who you love: everyone

|| You: ||
Nickname(s): Chrissy, Cat, Grape, Small Fry
Initials: CKA
How old do you look?: 12
How old do you act?: Older than i am.
Glasses/Contacts: both
Braces: never needed them
Do you have any pets?: 4 dogs, 1 cat
You get embarrassed: sometimes
What makes you happy?: living.
What upsets you?: ignorance and misunderstanding

|| Finish the sentence: ||
I Love to... write
I Miss... Kim
I Wish... on my lucky stars
I Hope... i don't run
I'm Annoyed by... spelling and grammar mistakes
I Am.. a person
I Am Tired of... it not raining
I Will Always be... Christin

|| Lasts: ||
Last movie you saw: Alex and Emma
Last Phone Number You Called: Uhmm.. Josh's
Last show you watched on TV: haven't watched TV in a while

|| Have you ever: ||
Thought you were going to die: yes
Wanted to Run away: yes
Flunked a grade: no
Skipped a grade: No

If I were a day of the week I would be: Friday

If I were a time of day I would be: 12:22 a.m.

If I were a planet I would be: Neptune

If I were a sea animal I would be: a starfish

If I were a direction I would be: north

If I were a piece of furniture: a bean bag chair

If I were a historical figure I would be: Audrey Hepburn

If I were a liquid I would be: Sprite

If I were a stone, I would be: opal

If I were a tree, I would be: a cedar

If I were a bird, I would be: mockingbird

If I were a tool, I would be: a spoon

If I were a kind of weather: a very heavy thunderstorm

If I were a mythical creature: a unicorn!

If I were a musical instrument: a guitar

If I were an animal, I would be: a cat

If I were a color, I would be: blue

If I were an emotion, I would be: LOVE!

If I were a vegetable, I would be: celery

If I were a sound, I would be: the sound of rain on a tin roof

If I were an element, I would be: lightning

If I were a car, I would be: a 1950's VW van

If I were a song, I would be: a classical piece

If I were a food, I would be: some cajun etree. nice and spicy.

If I were a place, I would be: a deserted island

If I were a scent, I would be: sweet

If I were a word, I would be: vibrant

If I were an object, I would be: a blanket

If I were a body part or part of your body I would be: eyes or lips

If I were a facial expression I would be: a sly grin

If I were a subject in school I would be: English

If I were a shape I would be: a star

If I were a number I would be: 4

1: name: Christin Kay Avent
2: age/dob: 17 - December 22, 1985
3: height: 5'1"
4: hair color: light auburn
5: eye color: hazel
6: ethnicity: English and Irish
7: piercings: ears so far
8: tattoos: none
9: occupation: heartbreaker
10: bad habits: procrastination, biting my nails
11: addictions: coffee, music, photography
12: what's your poison?: my words
13: skills: writing
14: relationship status: dating Josh
15: entourage: my kitten haha
16: three favorite actors: i only have one. Edward Norton
17: three favorite authors: Kate Chopin, George Orwell, myself(haha)
18: three favorite actresses: no thanks
19: three favorite musicians/groups: Jimmy Buffett, Maren Ord, Incubus
20: dig cartoons?: not really
21: clubbing: lame
22: allergic reactions: cashew peanuts
23: number of dvds owned: none
24: pick from the spectrum: deep purple
25: be a mythical/fictional animal: unicorn
26: raved?: nah
27: flower: white oleander
28: illegal substances: none anymore
29: is a diamond really forever? no way man
30: nutrition: soy!
31: can i have your number? nah, too many crazy people out there
32: there is no spoon: yes there is!!!
33: to tan/not to tan: tanning=not for me
34: pin number, atm machine, hiv virus: i have none of the above
35: dance: love to
36: children should be: loved and cared for
37: what are/were you like in high school: uhm.. intelligent, opinionated
38: favorite fruit: plums, green apples
39: ever had a hickey: yes
40: painted your nails: yeah
41: done the whole "lj compatibility" thing: i don't think i have
42: gotten retardedly trashed: no
43: favorite profanity: haha.. holy effin fuck
44: number of concerts attended: very few
45: which is the gayest: bowling, croquet, rugby, or golf?: ???
46: do you own a blacklight?: i wish i did
47: speak languages: yes, English and a bit of French
48: c4n y0u 5p34k 1n 1337?: hahaha.. no, i'm not Ian. Thank God for that.
49: rockstar or dj: neither
50: actor or author: author
51: cop or firefighter: firefighter because they get to see fire
52: black or white: grey
53: cd or tape: CD
54: dvd or vhs: VHS (i like it better so shoot me)
55: rock or pop: folk
56: jennifer lopez or jennifer aniston: neither
57: north or south: south
58: coke or pepsi: Pepsi, but Coke makes Sprite.. so both
59: britney or christina: eww.. neither
60: midget, dwarf, or hobbit: midgets are cool because i am one
61: cold or hot: cold
62: 60 mph, 80 mph, 100 mph: 150
63: live fast and die young, or take it slowly and die when old: live each day like it's your last.
64: so, is there a spoon?: UGH, yes!!
65: did you/would you vote for george w. bush?: Uhmm only if i were stupid.
66: would you rather fall down in public or throw up in public: I'd rather fall
67: been to another country: no
68: are you a hardcore motherfucker?: hahaha. only in porns, baby.
69: 69?: yes
70: guilty of owning any 80s rock cds: heck yeah man. Bon Jovi all the way.
71: elaborate on answer to 70: eff that
72: ever started something and not finished: lots
73: backstabbed: no
74: been backstabbed: yeah
75: won an award: you betcha
76: holidays: rock
77: skateboarding or snowboarding: skateboarding
78: hockey or soccer: soccer
79: football or baseball: football
80: hot pink or lime green: hot pink
81: roswell, nm, or area 51, nevada: uhm.. no?
82: rather be angry or sad: neither
83: sunny or rainy: rainy
84: ever wish you'd been born of the opposite sex?: no way
85: have any incriminating photos?: uhhh.. *blushes*
86: ever stolen anything?: yes
87: lied to protect someone: yes
88: had a stash of something: yes
89: longest you've gone without bathing: a day
90: befriended any schizos: no
91: lied on a job resume: no
92: been in a fight: yeah
93: night or day: night
94: alcoholic or drunk: neither
95: mvp or vip: i agree with Apollo.. who cares
96: three fuckable celebrities: Edward Norton and that's all
97: define "white trash": I love Apollo's answer... paper towel
98: death penalty or life in prison: life
99: silver, gold, or platinum: silver
100: sad, turned on, or pissed that this thing is over: i'm so turned on, man.
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