I think it's normal to feel a bit worry or concern about possibly being cheated on. Although throwing irrational accusations left and right might be a sign of insecurity. I've always been the type of girl to cheat on a boyfriend. I always grew up noticing how a lot of people aren't really faithful, and how they seem to have a wandering eye, not speaking for everyone of course, just a lot that I've come across. So when it was my time to date guys, I became the type to always cheat. I always felt like "Hey, might as well do it before he does!"
Anyways, now that I've been such a horrible girlfriend, I find it hard to trust my current boyfriend that I'm with. I over think and over analyze situations because of how sneaky and scandalous I used to be with other boyfriends.
How do I cope with this insecurity? I feel like I'm going to push my boyfriend away