Hot flushes - and voice memes

Mar 31, 2014 23:51

Okay, so I am not a Lady of a Certain Age (or rather I suppose I am, but that certain age is 28) but holy crap. Hot flushes suck. I am getting them because of some medication I'm on and have been having them on and off for the last month or so. But it must be really kicking in or something, because I feel like there is fire under my skin. Today at work I sat in the staff room literally pressing things against my face to try to cool down (mugs, cutlery, walls!). Luckily, I suppose, I am still at the stage where I do think the predicament I'm in is hilarious (like I have to ask other people how warm or not it is, because at the moment my body just can't tell!!).

Also, I did the voice meme at icmezzo's journal. It's (hopefully) here. Please note, coherency is not a talent of mine. I'm going to blame the hot flushes - they might as well be good for something!
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