Still working on the Fish

Sep 03, 2007 10:45

I managed to convert my Palm Pilot contact files via BitPim and load them via the Bluetooth converter to my phone. Yeah, me.

However, So Long and Thanks for all the Fish still evades me. I have an MP3 that is two minutes long.

My phone version allows a ringtone of no longer than 40 seconds. I downloaded Xingtones, which allowed me to make a spiffy 40 second clip with a fade away. Then it wanted to send it to my phone via email.

1) I have a Bluetooth adapter, why do I need a &*%$ email?
2) I don't know what the name of the SMTP server is and I never want to know.
3) I don't want to pay verizon for an email address when I can get dozens of them for free.
4) Why can't I save this clip to disk in some standard format and get it there myself. How &%$#@ hard and/or illegal is that? I bought the darned MP3 already, WTF?

So I am stuck again. Basically, I need to take an MP3 and clip it to 40 seconds or less; saving it as a midi might be nice - my other ringtones seem to be in that format. I then have the technology to get it to my phone.

Why is this so hard?

Any suggestions greatly appreciated. If I can email you the file and you can fix it for me and email it back, kudos and great appreciation.
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