Jul 17, 2006 22:19
Well, seeing as I finished the work placement over a week ago, I thought i should update.
I had a good two weeks and met the friendliest set of people on a vacation placement. There were 11 of us and we all got on. The people that worked there were really nice too and I would love to work there.
We did loads of stuff during the two weeks. Went on two client visits - 1 to this factory which made dips and salad dressings where we got free lunch and 2 boxes of stuff to take home.
The first day of the placement was quite harsh though and I think it brought me down - we had to do a presentation in front of everyone and then a negotiation exercise. I wasn't really ready for it. I did better in the presentation on the last day, which we had time to prepare for. We had to sell Eversheds to a client, which we had lots of info about. We were interupted with questions in the presentation but I could answer them.
We also had a few fun social evenings. One where we went to The Bank, which is a posh restaurant in Birmingham, where we had a lovely three course meal. ALthough I decided I had chosen the wrong desert when I saw the warm chocolate brownie - so the trainee next to me swopped hehe. We also went to a bar called utopia, where it was a free bar. You never really can make the most of such things on placements though.
I don't think I got the training contract, because in the feedback they said they thought I was too quiet, even though they also said I asked lots of questions and people liked talking to me. Oh well. We hear officially at the beginning of August, but I'm not holding out much hope. Better though, is that DLA have said that I definitely don't have to fill in another application form or do an assessment centre. I just have an interview with them at the end of August. Otherwise I have spent pretty much all my time filling in boring application forms. Including one handwritten one which I sent off today. 8 done so far (10 with everesheds and dla).
As for the other job hunting, I've been annoyingly unsuccessful. The only job I've been offered so far is nights in the dairy department at morrissons, which is pretty bad. I really don't want to mess my sleeping pattern up like that. I even phoned the chateau where I hated my boss, who just told me off for not phoning at easter. Which in hindsite I should have done. Might do next year.
Went to see Lee's graduation on Thursday, which was really good. I loved seeing all the law students graduate and all dressed up. I think it;s fab that there's a special ceremony to celebrate the years spent on the degree. And the Attenbrough brothers gave great speeches. I also had a great seat, sat right at the front of the hall on a balcony overlooking the brothers. I also enjoyed the meal with Lee, Claire and Wookie on Thursday and with Lee, Anisha, Sams and Dave on Fri. We were going to go for a posh meal, but I'm glad we went to Weatherspoons cos I'd prefer to see more people and we had a good time. And the chocolate fudge cake was delicious lol.
Went line dancing with Mum tonight. I could actually rememebr a few of the dances :)
Right better get back to the old application forms...maybe. Actually I'll help mum put a piuc up on my wall. Ciao x