tu-kiu turkish:))

Aug 09, 2011 04:04

 The word “Turk” and its variations such as “tu-kiu,” “tur-kiut,” “tur-kiu,” “turku,” “turukh,” “durukh,” and “turuk” appears in Chinese sources in reference to a Mongolian-based ethnic group from the Altai Mountain. (A.N. Kononov, Opit analiza termina "Turk".) The earliest evidence of any literature in the present Azari-Turkic dialect is from about the 12th - 13th centuries (not long ago). QUESTION: What language were Azaris speaking thousands of years before the Turkic-Azari dialect? (Iran has a history of more than 6,000 years - the 12th century is not that long ago.) And why do Iranian-Azaris share the most DNA similarities with other Iranian people and not with other so-called “Turks”?

WHAT'S REALLY GOING ON?: The Republic of Turkey wants Azaris to be considered nationals of the Republic of Turkey by manipulating Iranian history so it can have access to Iran’s land and resources by creating a disloyal 5th Column within Iran’s territorial borders.

azerbayjan, turkey

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