Christmas 2013!

Jan 07, 2013 08:29

Was pretty good given that it was tinged with a little sadness. But I think that everyone had as good a time as possible. I was fortunate to receive many amazing things so will be writing a great many thankyou letters for them.

I found my birthday harder to deal with without nan for some reason. I opted for a quiet night in with family and Elder watching 'The Woman in Black', which I enjoyed dry much. Also had Chinese takeaway from Imperial Bento in Thorney Toll.

New Year's Eve was spent in Leamington Spa. I was invited to Charlotte's party in London but was my in the mood for doing anything too sociable are exciting. A fairly quiet evening playing games and then watching the fireworks on tv was more up my street this year.

Resolutions for 2013:
- to get down to 9st 6lbs
- to take part in the 10k run in Thorney
- to buy a bikini and wear it! (In Turkey?)

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