Chapter Five ~ Accidently In Love

Feb 04, 2009 17:22

 Title : In My Arms
Author: Hayley_Cullen
Characters/Pairing: Bella/Edward/Jacob
Rating: 15.
Category: Romance
Spoilers: None.
Disclaimer: Unfortunately, I don’t own any of the characters, it all belongs to the wonderful SMeyer! If I did own Edward, do you really think I would let him out??
Summary: Bella and Edward have been friends forever! They really like each other, and to be honest, its obvious to everyone! Well, except to them. They are destined to be together but why does everything go wrong? All-Human.

Counting Crows ~ Accidently In Love
Come on, come on
Turn a little faster
Come on, come on
The world will follow after
Come on, come on
Cause everybody's after loveEPOV

We all pulled up to the house, Esme, Carlisle and Jasper entered the garage first in Carlisle's black Mercedes closely followed by Rose and Emmett in Emmett's beast of a Jeep, leaving me to enter last, alone as always in my Volvo. I cut the engine and out of the corner of my eye I noticed Jasper dart out of the Mercedes and through the side entrance that lead to the house. Couldn't he last a few hours without Alice? I stepped out of my car sighing and slammed the door too forcefully. But I was too bitter to care. They all stepped out of their cars, but intentionally avoided my gaze.

Emmett pulled Rosalie into a loving hug, whilst Carlisle took hold of Esme's hand. All four of them turned and walked through the side entrance. Everything was just perfect, they were perfect for each other, their love was perfect, their lives were perfect. Perfect. Perfect. Perfect. I gagged.

Emmett and Alice were lucky. They had their soul mates practically handed to them. About five years ago, Carlisle had bought Jasper and Rosalie home. They had been dumped at the hospital by their piss head mother. Carlisle signed all the paper work so that they could live with us. Alice and Jasper had grown closer, so had Emmett and Rosalie and one day they had announced that they were both dating. I had been happy for them, at the time. But in the last four months, being surrounded by happy couples just caused my bitterness to grow. Frustrated, I hit the button to close the garage door and stormed through the side entrance.

“Edward?” Alice called out. I grumbled.

“What Alice?” I said, letting my annoyance seep through to my tone. She walked around the corner so that she was now in view.

“I want to talk to you.” She stated, walking past me to the flight of stairs. Her foot hit the bottom step and I hadn't moved an inch. She huffed and looked over her shoulder. “Please, it is really important.” I frowned, but followed after her. She was silent as we climbed the three flights of stairs, which was extremely rare and odd for Alice. I worried slightly, something is troubling her. I vowed to myself as we made it to my bedroom that I would sort whatever it was out.

Alice walked in to my room, slumping onto the sofa. I chose to sit on the bed, facing her. My eyebrow raised, questioning her as she stared straight at me. Her mouth opened and closed again, she did this again before shaking her head. Her gaze falling on her twiddling hands. “Alice, what is it?”

“Just hear me out!” She blurted out. Her tone shocked me. I opened my mouth to speak but she raised her hand. “Just listen Edward, please. It's about Bella.” I gasped, my eyes now closed. I could feel myself going to lock down mode. This was a very touchy and painful subject and Alice knew that. “Edward, don't you dare!” Alice growled. My eyes shot open. Alice had never so much as raised her voice at me, let alone growl. A tear ran down her cheek. “You have been like this for four months Edward, I hate it. It's like I have lost my twin.” She mumbled. I sighed inwardly. Okay, so I had been different for a few months, but who could blame me? I looked again at Alice. I winced slightly. I had vowed I would sort this out on our way up the stairs. It's time to follow through.

I got off the bed and walked towards, holding my arms open for her. She jumped up and ran into them. I locked my arms around her and let us fall back, so we were both sitting on the couch. I could feel her tears seep through my shirt. I smoothed her hair, it was always a gesture that calmed her. Her small sobs died down as she tried to control her breathing. “Will you please just listen, Edward?” It was hard to deny her that when she was obviously hurting a lot.

“Of course, Alice.”

“Good!” She exclaimed, wriggling out of the hug. She now wore a huge grin. I sighed, sometimes her mood swings scared me. If she hadn't been like this her whole life, I would have sworn she was on drugs. “So I hear you and Tanya are no more?” My brow knitted together. Where is she going with this?

“Yeah, I dumped her this morning.” Her eyes lightened up. I knew Alice had never liked Tanya. But then Tanya had never liked Alice. All they could do was glare at each other.

“Good. I hated that witch!” Letting fake shock sweep across my face, I looked down to Alice.

“No, really Alice?” My words were dripping with sarcasm. She huffed and mumbled what sounded like some more insults directed at my ex.

I sat patiently waiting whilst letting Alice get this out of her system. I let my mind run over why Alice would want to talk to me about Bella. Could something be wrong with her? No, she would have told me this morning. My breathing faltered as one name crossed my mind. Jacob. Could he be back? I know he wasn't supposed to return for another month, but what if he had returned early? What if he managed to convince Bella to become his fiancée again? My breath sped up.

“Edward!” Alice called, snapping me out of my thoughts.

“Sorry,” I mumbled. “You were saying?”

“I said, Bella come over today.” That caught my attention.

“She what? Why?”

“I asked her over, Edward. She told me something quite...interesting today.”

“Interesting?” I mulled that over in my head. What did she mean by interesting? “Alice, don't toy with me, please. Just tell me.”

Alice shook her head. “You never were patient Edward. But I need to ask you something first.” I nodded, signalling her to go ahead. “How do you feel about Bella?”

“I think that's pretty obvious, don't you?” I snapped. Alice didn't even wince at my tone, she continued to stare straight at me.

“Do you love her?” I nodded. “Say it, say it out loud Edward.”

“I love her, okay Alice? I am in love with Bella!” I almost shouted my statement at her. She seemed pleased with her self, bringing a pillow from behind her and clutching it, fiddling with the edges.”Was there any point to this?” She looked up and grinned.

“Yes. Tell her Edward.” I stuttered. I blinked at her. “Oh for Pete sake! Don't look so shocked! What else did you expect me to say? You have to tell Bella this.”

“I tried once, remember? That didn't go well did it?!” I jumped up, staring Alice down. She jumped up too. Her tiny finger poked me in the chest.

“You didn't try hard enough!”

“What do you mean I didn't try hard enough?!” I shouted at her, inches from her face. She glared back at me.

“Maybe if you hadn't wallowed in self pity for the last four months you and Bella could be together right now, saving you both a lot of misery!” She screamed in my face. Her finger poking my chest so hard I know I will have a bruise in the morning. But as her words sunk in, I couldn't find it in my to be mad at Alice.

“But Charlie.” I whispered.

“Is her dad. Of course he told you not to date his daughter.”

“And Jacob.”

“Is a cheating bastard who isn't here any more.” I had ran out of reasons. I knew it wasn't really any of those reasons that I hadn't told Bella. The truth was, I was scared. Alice placed her palm on my cheek.

“Edward, look at me,” I obeyed, “Bella told me herself. She loves you too.” I automatically shock my head, not letting myself hope. “Why would I lie to you?” I couldn't find a reason so I shut my eyes, accepting defeat. “Okay, so tomorrow, you are going round to Bella's house and you are going to tell her how you feel. Charlie is out all day fishing so you don't need to worry about him. Don't chicken out this time. If you don't tell her, don't bother okay?” Her hand slid off of my cheek and I could hear her footsteps become further and further away.

“Alice!” I called out, my eyes shooting opening as I spun around. She stopped, looking over her shoulder. “What do I say?” I whispered.

She rolled her eyes, huffing. “This is going to be a long night.” She mumbled.

* * * * *

I shut the door to my Volvo and walked slowly up the path which led to Bella's front door. Alice had stayed up till 1am with me, trying to help me build the courage to do this. All that courage from last night had completely left my body. I wanted nothing more then to run to my Volvo and drive very far away. But Alice's words floated in my head She loves you. Those words were the only reason that I was still here and not somewhere like Canada.

I knocked the door once, a small part of me was hoping that she wasn't in. By breath caught in my throat as she answered the door. Her hair was tied in a messy bun. She was wearing a dark blue sweatshirt and loose fitting jeans. She was so beautiful. Her big brown orbs stared at me, widening in surprised. A smile played on her lips. “Hey Edward.” She greeted. Her voice made my heart stutter. “Come in.” I did as told, moving past her into the hallway, noticing a cleaning bucket by her feet. She always did her housework on Sundays. I noticed my coat on her hook by the door. I smiled at it, liking the way it looked next to hers. “Sorry for taking you coat yesterday.” She unhooked it and chucked it at me. I folded it over my arm.

“Thanks and don't worry about it. Can we um, go sit in the living room?” She looked slightly shocked but agreed. She slumped onto the sofa, but I opted to kneel by her feet, wanting to be as close as I could. She sat up straight, looking down at me, her head cocked to the side.

“Edward what's-” I raised my hand.

“Bella, no questions please, I need to just say this.” She made a show of zipping her mouth. I smiled, whilst trying to sort out my words. Should I work around it? Or just go for the direct approach? I decided to go with the direct approach. Sucking in a deep breath I decided to go for it. “Bella I l-” A loud knock interrupted me. She stood to answer it. “Bella, I need to tell you something.”

She chuckled. “I'm sure it can wait till I have answered the door!” She walked off.

“Damn it.” I muttered. I heard to door click and the sudden intake of breath from Bella. I walked around the corner, curiously, so I could see who was at the door. As the door came into view, my hands balled into fists. I cussed under my breath.

This was not going to end well.

Chapter 6 

Author Note : Okay... first of all, don't kill me! You won't know what happens in the next chapter if you do! And woah! What a busy month! I had my college interview, Science exams, Music composition exams, bought my prom dress, School photos and snow days! :) Haven't had snow like this in 18 years! :O And also... I have two stalkers...
Anyway, hope you liked this chapter. Sorry, I know it was a long wait! I'm trying to keep up wityh this story and school work :S Anyways, love you all! Please review! :) 

in my arms

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