Dear Readers Of My Journal,
Sorry I haven't updated in awhile - I do intend to get back to my
LJ eventually. Things have been kinda crazy lately. My sister is pregnant (going to be a first-time aunt) with a baby boy - she still doesn't know what she's going to name it yet though. She's narrowed it down to Joshua, Kyle, Ryan, and Shawn. She's due September 4th and as of her last ultrasound, we found out that the baby currently weighs 6 pounds 12 ounces and is in head-down position, ready for birth. Also, I have a half-brother who is getting married September 30th. My father went for his tux fitting just a few days ago. The wedding will be in New Hampshire at a hotel that we already have reservations at. Plus, I am trying to get ready to transfer to another college following my graduation of
Dean College this past May.
Bridgewater State College is my first choice and I was accepted, however wait-listed for housing and I can not attend without housing due to the distance of the school from my home. So I am scrambling to see if I can find something before September. So basically my life has been very crazy lately. New school, new baby, wedding all in September...craziness. I guess I'm OK for now...I am typing this on my family's brand new desktop that we got about a week ago. If I had the time and patience, there's a lot more I'd want to write, but I don't so we'll leave it at that for now. Feeling totally stressed out and overwhelmed right now. Thank you to all those who actually care about me. This is all I can handle for now, so bye for now.