"Little Shop Of Horrors"
Performance (ONE SHOW ONLY!):
Tuesday, May 10, 2005
8:00 PM
"Little Shop Of Horrors" Cast List:
Seymour - Lucas Bourgeois
Audrey - Liz Harmon
Mushnik -
Joe Michienzie Orin (the dentist) - Kevin Whipkey
Audrey II (the plant) -
Jenifer Dear 6 Urchins:
Annette -
Molly Allendorf Chiffon -
Corrine DePatra Crystal - Lisa McDonough
Doreen -
Sarah Littmann Ronette - Bryna Starling
Tammy -
Emily Rubenstein Customer -
Heather McMahon Interviewer - Brianna Paluzzi
Bernstein -
Gary Feldman Mrs. Luce -
Brittany Louie Skip Snip -
Andy Fontaine Patricia Martin -
Kasey Connell Ensemble -
Kelly Carpentier,
Kasey Connell,
Gary Feldman,
Andy Fontaine,
Brittany Louie, Tayla Makevich,
Heather McMahon, Liz McPhee, Brianna Paluzzi,
Aleah Webster Technical Side
Choreographer -
Marianne S. Lonati Costumes - Daniel Kozar and Lynn Pisano
Musical Director -
Robert J. Goldman The show is performed at:
Dean College's Center for Performing Arts
61 School Street
Franklin, MA 02038
For more information, call the box office at (508) 541-1606 or
click here.
For directions to Dean College,
click here.