Happy New Years

Jan 01, 2007 22:34

After booting Jopie out of my room (naughty kitty, chewing on things) at 8.30 this morning, I crawled back into bed and got up around 10.00, which left me with a headache; it's only just gone away. I spent most of the day playing RS2, even though I really should have done a few important things, like, say, laundry, or buyign more polo shirts. My coworkers do tend to wearing casual clothes (sneakers, jeans, t-shirt, hoodie) a lot; we sit in the basement most of the day so no one sees us, and on the rare occasion we go out, we're going to a school to flip a power switch (or something equally ridiculously simple) and no one at the schools care what we dress like--we're just the "IT people" after all. After I post this, I'm going to search through my laundry for the polo shirt I wore once and hope it's not too wrinkled. Definitely doing laundry when I get home tomorrow evening.

So, resolution things... Had some M&Ms (note to self: resist urge to take "just one" from the bowl on the living room table; "just one" always turns into lots of "one"s. Always.) and a piece of apple pie, but today's a holiday so it's okay. I'm posting right now. This weekend I'm going to remelt my star floaters, see if I can get them to work better. I'm a third of the way through my second bottle of water, and I really don't see how my dad can go through these so fast. Before I started typing this, I poked around my LJ and discovered a list of fanfic ideas I had, and now I know which one I'm going to start writing on, and I'll get to the actual writing once I post this and find something decent to wear tomorrow. I may only get in half an hour of writing though, since I should really get to bed early, what with having to get up at the ass-crack of dawn tomorrow.

dailypost, resolutions, real.life_co-op

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