I was all ready to go "WHERE'S SCHOOL UNIFORM RUKIA?!" when I saw
this ...and then I remembered that School (Winter) Uniform Rukia was one of the first Bleach plushies to be released, so... :3
But OMG OMG OMG, I want
Because Rukia comes with BAD ART!!! Seriously, I am ready to plonk down bucks for it, but it looks like a NA-only Toynami relese. I wonder how much Akadot charges to ship here.
And also tempting me is
I am DROOLING. And yes I know I can make that for my Ichigo. But I still wants it, my precioussss.XD AND THERE'S A RUKIA IN THE SET!!! No mention of whether she fits under Ichigo's arm though.XD
And I have long gotten over my lust for
this boy, though every time I see him I think "Tinygo.*snerk*"hee hee hee.