Jan 18, 2007 00:20
On Saturday January 13 at 6:30pm, I joined the local paranormal group, NSPRS, to investigation Tenney Gatehouse in Methuen Ma. There was also a crew member from a local TV station doing a TV Show on this investigation. Well, the night did become a little chaotic due to that this was our big investigation dealing with all the local members in one sitting. So the plan to break into groups kind of fell apart and the camera guy followed a couple of members a lot more then others, however I could really care less of getting taped....I kind of hate being video taped, to go out and investigation meant more to me. It's been 3 years since I've stepped into a building to conduct a proper investigation, last time I did I had a VERY bad experience which almost completely turned me off from ever wanting to deal with the paranormal again. So this was a form of therapy for me and I had an amazing time.
So here is some of my experiences:
Tenney's Gatehouse was built in the mid 1800's, it suppose to house 7 spirits including a priest and a dog. The priest who lived there had been ill and had a live-in nurse to take care of him. To get his nurses attention if he was having problems he would flick the lights on and off. The priest's room was the first room I entered. As I made my way to the center of the room I got a major dizzy spell for a brief second. I thought nothing of it, however I noticed my cross necklace was broken and on the ground....I shrugged it off. It wasn't until an hour or so later one of the median's quart crystal pendants broke in her hands as she was talking and I mean the crystal itself broke, just split.
I had wanted to get upstairs to the tower and get away from all the noise of the group and member Erin joined me as well. We set up our EVP's and started to take pictures. We sat in the children's room and started to ask questions in hopes of getting a recording. We then proceeded to the tower which was the next room over to the children's room. Erin and I noticed how quiet the house had suddenly gotten, however we both didn't realize we were the only one's in the house and that the group had gone outside to investigate the outside property. As we started to inspect the tower we heard something which sounded like someone crumbling up a piece of paper and throwing it on the ground followed by soft footsteps running into the children's room. Erin and I bolted right away back into the children's room when Erin's flashlight started to dim. Erin inspected her flashlight and said she had just replaced the battery pack recently. We then heard a soft pair of footsteps walking behind us and stop. I turned around and walked to the area I heard the footsteps to inspect and take some pictures, also to see if there were any pieces of paper around which I did not find any.
Erin and I made our way back to the tower to sit and do some more EVP work. Jokingly we said "If there are little children here come out and play with us, don't be shy" when a few moments later Erin's flashlight started to dim again and then completely went out then went back on. Erin asked if someone was turning off her light, the light would go out, amazed she asked if they could turn her light back on and it went back on. Erin again took her flashlight apart even shook it hard to see if something was loose and handed it to me to inspect. Everything seemed fine and I ask for the light to go out and it did, I asked for it to turn back on and it did. Being a skeptic, I found it extremely hard to explain. A few moments later Erik entered the room and the flashlight had went back to normal. Informing him what we had experienced he decided to leave his EVP recorder in the tower, before we left to go downstairs Erik inspected the flashlight himself, even shock it hard with the light on to see if it might not be connecting inside right…..he stated the flashlight appeared to be in working order.
With the house all quiet Erik, Erin and I decided to spend the time in the priest room. Within 20 minutes my digital camera, which has NEVER had any problems with it at all kept turning off. By the third time it turned off the camera had turned itself back on automatically. The rest of the group returned and Erik joined them downstairs, Erin and I stayed then went into the meeting room. She wanted to get some EVP work done, however the group was talking to loud downstairs. I found that the meeting room had in-the- wall sliding doors so we were able to block out a lot of the noise. We sat at the table, started again with asking questions and waited patiently. After 15 minutes we heard a soft foot step in the corner of the room and Erin turned on the flashlight and pointed it in the corner. The flashlight again started to dim and turned off when Erin asked "is someone there?" I then asked if the light could go back on and it did. This went on for 5 minutes until the talking downstairs got very loud followed by the sound of someone run up stairs and stopped in front of the sliding doors. The experience with the flashlight stopped and no one was outside the door nor even upstairs at all.
Erik come upstairs awhile later and we informed him we had another experience, excited Erik, Erin and I ventured one more time into the upstairs tower and children's room. Erik finally got to experience the flashlight turning off and turning back on when we asked it to. As the crew all met down stairs, started to pack up and leave we all turn foot steps walking around upstairs. We all walked to our cars and took one last look at the house. Joe Bella, caretaker and historian for the Tenney Gatehouse came out to leave with us after locking house. As we got into our cars Joe Bella called out to us that the light in the priest room was "on" which he had turned "off" before locking up, we were all amazed since each member claimed seeing "all" lights out in the house. Joe Bella joked around saying he wasn't going back in there to turn it off.
I would like to thank Erik Ferguson the creator of NSPRS for including me on this adventure and Joe Bella for opening the doors after business hours to investigate the Tenney Gatehouse.