(no subject)

Mar 22, 2016 13:45

So, my MacPro, Sleipnir, is 8 years old. It's still running pretty well, but the graphics card grinds from time to time, and if that goes down, replacing it would be too expensive on an 8-year-old machine.

My iPad 2 is really feeling its age; the home button is finicky and things crash a lot. So it's looking like I need to consider investing in a new work machine, and a new iPad.

I've also been thinking hard about a Surface Pro or Surface Book, because I REALLY want to be able to work in photoshop on a tablet, and Apple's iOS is so far behind the 8-ball on this that it's making me mad.

The temptation is to get a Surface Book or Surface Pro, and kill three birds (work computer, laptop, tablet) with one stone...but I can't quite let go of Apple. I've bought a lot of apps for my iPad...


And now I just spent three hours going through configurations of the MacBook Pro Retina, the Surface Pro 4, the Surface Book, the iPad Pro, the iPad Air, and the Wacom Companion 2. I'm still very confused, but I'm starting to narrow down what exactly I want out of my machine(s).

It pains me to own a Microsoft machine after being an Apple loyalist (and married to an Apple Genius!), but I'm not ignoring that possibility. If Apple would just get their iOS to play nice with Adobe products, I wouldn't be going through all this bullshit! Apple, get yourself right!!
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