
Feb 16, 2016 21:33

Alaska is our foster cat. Things I have learned in the four days he's been with us:

1) He has one volume: LOUD. Wow, he's noisy when he wants something.
2) He doesn't give a fuck about other cats or dogs.
3) When he's observing something, he looks far more intelligent than any human. Could be the white eyeliner.
4) Afternoons are for sleeping. He doesn't mind the interruption for a human visit, but he'd really much rather be sleeping.
5) Night time is the right time for investigation. And sleeping.
6) He steps in his own poop in the litter box and gets poopy litter stuck to his giant feet. He's not great at cleaning his feet.
7) His giant feet slide around, so he's little unsure about jumping onto surfaces. He's clumsy as hell.
8) He waggles his stumpy tail often.

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