Totally name-dropping an actor buddy

Jan 26, 2015 01:25

Another all-nighter tonight. 'Sokay. I just have to color six pages by the morning. It's 1 am. Let's see if I can do it.

Had a wonderful two evenings seeing Scott Adsit be a guest with the Dad's Garage improv crew. This is SO name-droppy and I feel kinda weird about it, but dang it, where else am I gonna drop a name?

Several years ago, two friends of ours got to be good buddies with Scott Adsit. He's a huge comics nerd, and he met my friends Mark & Lisa (Mark's a comic artist). I don't know how this introduction came about -- maybe Scott contacted Mark about some artwork? Then Mark & Lisa visited the 30 Rock set? I dunno. Anyway, Scott came to a couple of subsequent comic conventions at Mark's behest, and he just sorta got sucked into our group of buddies. Of course we welcomed him with open arms as One Of Us. Our friends have done sketches for him in his sketchbook, etc. So really, he's just a huge fanboy who happens to be an actor/comedian.

I think I first met him at HeroesCon in 2009...? I do remember that he and I walked around Artists' Alley in SDCC in 2010, that much I know for sure. He's just a totally down to earth guy, witty of course, but also has a lot going on in his brain all the time. Always considering and observing, very sharp.

So anyway. It's been a few years since he's been able to make it to conventions; since 30 Rock ended, his project schedule has been constantly changing, and he's been traveling a lot. I heard through another friend that he was in town to guest-improv at Dad's Garage for two nights, so I immediately snatched up tickets for both nights, and Randy and I went.

Of course the performances were great. There was a short-form first half, which wasn't supposed to involve Scott, but he jumped in anyway, and then a long-form second half with the more experienced improv actors. Both nights were great. I think my favorite was the interpretive dance to Seal's "Kiss from a Rose." I almost peed my pants from laughing so hard a couple of times.

After Friday night's performance, we waited to meet Scott. I was worried that he might not remember/recognize us. (I have this fear all the time because (a) I don't think I'm memorable in any way and (b) I forget people all the time.) But as soon as he came out from backstage, he spotted me and ran over and said "LAURA!!" and gave me a bear hug. Then he saw the others in our group -- hugs all around.

Our group of six (Randy and me, Adam and Allison, and Cliff and Katie) went over to the Porter Beer Bar and had late dinner. Scott came over a bit afterward, with a big group of cast & crew from Dad's Garage, but he ended up sitting with us for the rest of the evening.

After Saturday's performance, Randy and I waited again, but we had no intention of staying for a meal or anything. Still, we probably hung out in the lobby for a good hour after the show; Scott and one of the regular improv-ers were discussing craft and Second City and all sorts of interesting stuff. We also met Scott's sister, bro-in-law, mother, and a couple of nephews. Really nice people.

So anyway. I shouldn't have gone out twice, not with the deadlines I'm having, but we did anyway, and now I have to get this book done PRONTISSIMO because we desperately need paychecks. :/
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