Dec 26, 2005 13:31
I dreampt of worlds at stake, of good and evil tryign to unite against something even worse. Of advocating for both heaven and hell, and drawing the conclusion that ultimately, we all just want to be acknowledged, regardless of our natures, and even the worst among us might be capable of better and more than the even the “all knowing” cosmos could think of us. I dreampt of a world of contradictions, of help from strangers, and scorn from friends, and vice versa. I dreampt of worlds both real and imagined, and of the walls between all of them swirling about eachother, blurring, becoming indiscernable from one another. I dreampt so much, and so hard, I even forgot that I was dreaming, my world was so vibrant, I almost didn't want to leave. And yet, I did, and I am thankful, for the stories I dreampt of, of even the most vile of creatures cherishing their existence, not wishing to throw it away, no matter what the circumstances, it reminded me that, for all the crap, and for all my complaining, if the denizens of HELL could still have hope, maybe life isn't so bad, after all.