Aug 12, 2005 19:03
a friend of mine just reminded me of the whole "cherish what you've got while you've got it" thing...I'm wondering if I can ever change my priorities, if I can ever be about more than survival and videogames. I"m hoping to cement the internship shindig at KNI......working w/ folks as far gone as the residents there... gonna be scary....I'm still not sure if I"m upt to working w/ those folks for several months, but that voice keeps reminding me that they're people too, "a person's a person, no matter how small". still, many of them are both physically and mentally so far gone, you sometimes wonder what you really CAN do for them, other than make it possible for them to live for another day, which most of them could never do w/ out constant care.... sigh... maybe I"ll find out, working there. beyond that, tryin to work on that whole applying myself thing, starting w/ a new DND campaign! evil one this time! with luck, I'll have a nifty character backstory and everything all cooked up and ready to go, involving multiple personalities and insane overlords and whatnot, should be fun! gonna try a druid/monk, for the few people to whom that means nething. and its time to exercise more, dudes and dudettes! need to take advantage of ye olde fittness center, and I plan to....tommrow, damn, gotta work on that lazy factor. in other news, I have a box of taco cheezits I dont' wnat, if anyone's interested, I need to get involved in the theater again as soon as possible, and um......*runs away*
this is Hawk (dude, falcons are SO much faster)thehunter, bidding you all adieu!