Cleaning out the text folder ...

Dec 08, 2014 02:13

I just cleaned out 1,000+ IMs. They pile up fast between hubby and I when one of us is one the road. For the next few months, it's me gone while he keeps the home warm ..

... I wish I had a counter for every time a text said Love, Mush, or some endearment. It's great being loved. But I do wonder why I saved certain ones from the last purge, such as:

Me: My inner auditor has been bound and gagged. She is in dire need of tequila shots.
DH: You don't even like tequila
Me: Need > Like

Me: watching an empty foam coffee cup rock on my desk in the blast from the fan
DH: Who's day is dull?
Me: boredboredboredbored
Me: it just blew over
Me: dammit
DH: It was not empty?
Me: Empty. It rolled too far and off the table. Doug won the pool.

Me: Stupid typo "The process times out waiting for data from the SAP interfarce application"
DH: Go fingers go!
Me: Hey all is fine as long as SAP works right
DH: You might as well quit now then :)
Me: If SAP were an airline I'd fly it only at gunpoint and wear a parachute
DH: IIRC you're still on my life insurance
DH: Don't book before I've had a chance to confirm pls

love, life

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