Aug 17, 2005 15:13 pours. in more ways than one usually.
so the last time i updated i was dogsitting. funny - cause i am here again. Zeus - the wonderdog - is passed out on the porch floor. i guess that's what happens when you are up at 5am barking your fool head off at the car driving down the street. i'll have to pep him up shortly so we can go for a walk.
i think i also talked the last time about how my fuelline in my car had sprung a leak. i got that fixed, no biggie, but here we are 2.5 weeks later and my muffler breaks completely from its pipe so my car started to sound like a 747 at take off. brilliant. i spent yesterday morning at Midas getting it fixed so now everything is running smoothly. seriously though, one thing goes wrong with the car and it all goes wrong.
in other news, i took a job for a month with a friend's office as a temporary receptionist. the people are nice, the job pays well (even though its temp) and i really need something to keep my bank account semi solvent. lo and behold, i accepted it monday and this afternoon i get a call from a school i applied to for a para position and they want me to come interview tomorrow. what do i do if i get the job at school? do i bail on the temp receptionist thing? i feel horrible cause they were worried that would happen (that i'd get offered something permanent before or while i was with them). i guess i shouldn't worry until i get an offer from the school. right?
because i am giving the rundown of everything that has happened recently i'll have to include my evening out with Anton last week. now, its been 8 months since we ended things and we've seen eachother about once a month since, but last week we finally had an adult conversation about what happened between us. usually we're really good at just not talking about it. we have always had a lot of other things to talk about instead. i got some of my questions answered and found out that a few of the things that had happened that had annoyed me had also annoyed him, but neither of us knew what to do about it. we spent so much time apart (me in Maryland or elsewhere and him in Minneapolis)that it was always a bit odd trying to talk about "our relationship". we were never totally committed to eachother but operated under the idea that we'd get to know eachother while i was out east and start "dating" in the generic sense of the word when i moved home. damn him for f***ing that us a week before i moved home. still gets me mad sometimes. the most annoying part is that after you have a good conversation like that and are just having a good time you always leave thinking you want to go back to how things were before. yup - i thought about what it would be like to be "together" again. hmmm. we shall see.
lots of babbling in this one. better get moving and get the dog outside so i can go invade my friend, tricia's house for dinner. :)