Married With Children...

Jan 27, 2009 18:42

Written December 8, 2008:

Dear Diary,

Wow, it's been awhile huh? I've been soooo busy, it's crazy!! Let's see where do I start? I'm supposed to be sleeping right now, now that Baby is asleep. You know how people always say, sleep when your Baby sleeps? Well sometimes it's just hard to fall asleep on cue. There are times where I just lay there for a hour and as soon as I'm about to fall asleep, Baby wakes up. I really hate that feeling so if I don't feel sleepy, I'll just stay up and do other things like right now.

I gave birth to a healthy baby boy, Thank the Lord! This pregnancy was a tough one, unlike when I was having CJ, it was a breeze. It all begin right after my wedding, the last leg of my pregnancy is when things started to get challenging. I'm glad I got the wedding out of the way. I was induced on the 8th of October, a couple of days before my due date because I was diagnosed with gestational diabetes. Thank God he wasn't a big baby like they feared and his blood sugar was normal despite having to take insulin shots the last two and half weeks of my pregnancy. In fact, Baby was a tiny little thing. After watching my diet and exercising religiously my sugar level reading in the mornings would fluctuate during the last two weeks so they put me on insulin shots. They said it was my hormones that was causing it to fluctuate regardless how good I was with my diet and excercise. Yeah I could feel my hormones raging, I was super horny cause I wasn't having any intercourse cause my husband was being a fag. He thought he might be injuring the Baby because one night when we were having sex and blood was every where, he got scared. I'm like, don't worry, it's like having sex while on the rag which doesn't phase him at all usually but he was paranoid. He asked my OB about it and like I told him, it was perfectly normal but of course being a first time father to be, he was paranoid and didn't want to chance it. I did get oral sex here and there but after awhile, I needed dick but K couldn't get over it so I let him be and he had no complaints because I was doing my wifey duty the whole time. *rolling eyes*

After the wedding, I had to take a class to learn how to check my blood sugar 4 times a day and how to eat right with GD. I had to eat 6 meals a day without going over the allotted amount of carbs and sugar and I had to gain at least 1 pound a week. That was difficult and I was loosing weight at first. I had to check my blood sugar when I woke up, 1 hour after breakfast, lunch and dinner. Oh and in the mornings before I take my first blood sugar reading, I had to pee on a stick for ketones readings. I had to write what I ate and drank every day along with my ketones and blood sugar level readings in a book which I had to fax to my nutritionist and my diabetes nurse once a week. I was doing really good at first but then, the closer I got to my due date, the higher my blood sugar level went eventhough I ate and exercised well. The doctor decided I had to go on insulin shots because we couldn't control my hormones!! Once I started insulin, I immediately got tagged as high risk pregnancy. I had to go in for non-stress test twice a week. Non-stress test is where they hook up my belly to listen for contractions, baby's heart beat, to see how big baby is growing and to see if my water pockets are normal. This took at least an hour each visit and it was costing me buko bucks. Mothers to be with GD tend to have a still birth or huge babies making vaginal delivery difficult so non-stress tests was a must.

I first started with one insulin shot at night. I had the dial type insulin shot and the dial type can administer up to 50 units per shot. I started off at 4 units for the night time shots. I could only use the dial type for only 14 days regardless if I used it all up or not, I had to toss it after 14 days. Again, the closer I got to my due date, my blood sugar started to just go haywire so they kept upping my insulin dose and so the night time shot got up to 7 units. In between upping my dose, the doctor said I needed to do another insulin shot 15 minutes before I ate breakfast. I had to get breakfast ready before I did that shot because at exactly 15 minutes after, I had to eat. Blah! I started off at 4 units for the morning shot and I had the pen type shot for the morning ones. The pen type is shaped like a pen and each pen could administer 60 units and you didn't have to refrigerate it after each shot and you didn't have to toss it after 14 days unlike the dial type. I had to fax in my readings and meals from once a week to twice a week since I started on insulin. Also, one weekend I had to collect my pee for 24 hours just to make sure, the insulin shots weren't over working my kidneys. To sum it all up, my shot at night got up to 7 units and my morning shot got up to 8. This was the perfect combination cause once they figured this out, I started to gain weight Thank God because I was starting to get worried. My total weight right at childbirth was 137.

Then there was my labor. There were several scares during my labor but Baby and I made it through, obviously but I tore eventhough Baby was tiny. Then there was breast feeding! I lost all my pregnancy weight in a month! I make too much milk and Baby can't drink it all fast enough. I kept getting plugged ducts and couple times, I got sick. Then I got the flu! Flu and breast feeding was brutal. I cried a couple of times in the shower because it was just getting to overwhelming. I wanted to just give up on breast feeding. Thanks to dakine023 she helped me stay on target through countless late night chats. I been through a lot just to have this man's Baby!!

Baby K is the cutest thing ever and he is such a good baby. CJ was just as good as when he was a baby. Baby K looks nothing like me but he has my nose the poor thing. He got K's big forehead, long lashes and white skin. Oh and his hair is turning like a dark brown color like K when he was a baby. He also got K's Mom's side double chin and two deep dimples from my side of the family. Almost all of the my side has dimples and my brother possess the deepest of them all and it got passed onto Baby K. However, I can never get a good picture of both dimples at its deepest. One thing he inherited from me that's evident to everyone is my temperament which is just laid back. He didn't even cry when he came out. I've been told numerous times by K's Mom that K was a terrible baby so she cannot get over how good Baby K is. I hope Baby is always this good.

K is such a proud father. He'll brag to anyone who dares to ask him, "How's Baby doing?" but only after he flashes them the 1001 pictures he has on his iPhone. In fact, a couple of his coworkers said to him, "Dude, you showed us that picture already".

The first few weeks, K wanted to sterlize everything, even me. You couldn't come near Baby without sanitizing, he made sure of that. K wanted to do everything. I did nothing and my only job was to feed Baby or pump out breast milk. K wanted to feed baby, change baby, bathe baby and he didn't and still don't want to miss a thing. We even talked about him being Mr. Mom while I went to work. I was all for it but K's Mom wasn't having it. She thinks it's a waste since he could be the one bringing home the bigger bacon if he went to work. But for now he still works part time just to make medical because he wants to be with Baby as much as possible. We're still debating when I should return to work. He doesn't trust anyone to watch Baby K unless it's me or his Mom.

While K is away at work, he has me taking pictures of Baby constantly. He bought this memory card that automatically wirelessly uploads pictures to our web gallery as soon I take them. So on his breaks, he'll visit the web gallery for picture updates.

Anyway, now that I finally got the birth announcements sent out, I can post a picture here. I would have done it sooner but I was having a problem with the people who did the birth announcements. Our365 who did our birth announcements went and messed up our announcements not once but twice. The mistake was, they did not print our last names on the birth announcements. Basically when I called the first time to fix it, they went and sent me a shipment with the same exact mistake. So I had the fun task of trying to get them to fix it the third time but this time, they wanted me to send back the two messed up shipments back to them before they could send me the corrected one. Fine I said as long as they would compensate me for the shipping and the inconvenience they've caused me for something I had no control of. Not to mention, because of their mistake, sending out birth announcements has been delayed more than a month! The bitch there name Shantell didn't want to compensate me for anything and she said for me to eat the cost. I freaking lost it, flew off the handle and cancelled my order and told her to refund me. I told K about it and so he called the bitch up the next day and chewed her ass out. Needless to say, we got our corrected birth announcements after that call and to compensate us for their mistake, she went and threw in a free 8x10. Whatever but it's better than nothing and she should have done that in the first place. Her customer service sucked! We should just have gone with the birth announcements that K made on his Mac. Ugh!

NEways, without further ado, it is my pleasure to introduce you to our son...

His Hawaiian middle name was given to him by K's cousin Puni and it translates to, "The first born of Apo" K's middle name is Apo which all his family members call him by.

Taken at the hospital with my iPhone.

Daddy and Baby taken at the Pagoda Hotel.

Here's a shot of when K's Mom's side of the family were in town. Can you see where Kadan got his double chin from?

One of my favorites.

Another favorite of mines.

Taken Dec 1st. See his light brownish hair?

Here he is @ 2 months old. I love his hair!

My Baby is white!

Got Breastmilk?
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