Apr 18, 2005 11:35
this is for stacey. youre getting all behind now bc you never did the other one i did for you:) im just gonna keep adding them so you get so behind that you flip out and scream. then ill be happy:) just kidding!!
1. What do you wish you had been named? umm sydney. but its ok im naming my first girl that. and if any of you bitches take it ill be pissed
2. What is the nickname most people call you? al
3. Do you plan to change your name when you're 18? i already was 18...and i didnt change it
4. If you could become any age you wanted, right now, what age would it be and why? 21 so i could go out and drink with matt and the guys
5. Why is pink your favorite color? pink's not my favorite color. what kind of question is that?
6. If your first choice of careers doesn't work out, what would you choose as a "backup?": teacher. and i wanna be a stay at home mom too when i have kids. and then go work some more later
7. What holiday could you easily do without?: ummm...shabott? bc im not jewish?
8. Assuming you have a crush on somebody, what is it exactly that you like about him/her? If you don't have a crush, what is the one quality that the person absolutely has to have?: i love everything about matt. except when he burps in front of me.
9. What singer or band can you imitate the best? beats the hell out of me
10. If your life were a book, what genre would it be? What about it's rating (G, PG, etc)?: a humorous autobiography. and it would probably be pg13 to an r. i might make it an r bc 13 yr olds dont need to read about my life anyways (odd that i have an online journal though dont you think)
11. Do you worry about finding your soul mate and getting married?: not really. i have him. now we basically just sit around until we get engaged:)
12. If you could choose how to die, how would you?: in my sleep with matt next to me. but he'd have to go with me. like in the notebook. thats what ive always wanted. bc i dont want him to be by himself. or me either.
13. If you could change bodies/places with anyone, who would you change places with and what would you do?: ummm id be audrey hepburn for a while. and id be some regular person in france so i could see what thats like
Type of chocolate: white
Eye color: light blue
Dog breed: maltese and yorkies
Period in history: the 40's and 50's
Word to use when you want to sound smart: i have alot of those
Candle scent: vanillay stuff
Method of communication (in person, telephone, etc): aim. but in person with matt:)
Language: french
Famous painting: i think i used to have a favorite. but now i dont know what it is.
Weather: 73 and sunny with a slight breeze
Summer activity: tanning and swimming
Winter activity: hottubbing
Computer game: all the ones on my real arcade thing. well most of them
Boredom-buster: hanging out with matt. bc thats never boring.
Newspaper comic: family circus i think
Section in a bookstore: the adult romance section bc you can get your trashy stuff there and they actually have some cute books that are good for reading by the pool
Romantic scene in a movie: pretty much anything out of the notebook. the rain duh. the ducks. the everything.
The one you can stand for the longest amount of time: kayla
Wears the funkiest socks: stacey i think?
The activist: me!
The most boy (or girl) obsessed: well karen's kinda boy crazy...oh and ewww that one girl i hate more than anything. all she thinks about is getting with a guy. she's gross.
The pervert: rodney
The one who you wouldn't care if they disappeared from the face of this earth: again, the girl i hate
The best musician: chad
The overachiever: oh man um...maybe ashley. wait no anna for sure. she works waaay hard in school
The DIYer: ashley
The worst taste in music: i dont know...matt listens to stupid stuff sometimes.
Needs a life: the girl i hate
You absolutely couldn't live without: kayla
The best singer: chad? he is in a band after all. i think theres someone else but i cant remember
The most expansive vocabulary: me. or mallory.
Has the niftiest house: i havent seen everyones house. but ryan's is pretty cool
Has the prettiest handwriting: i think me or kayla
Talks way too much: oh wait i know this one. shit. i always forget these things..wait no its alexis
The one you truly worry about: like worry like theyll kill themselves? no one. but worry like their nuts? quite possibly kayla:)
Never gets sick: matt
Elvis or Madonna? elvis
Green or red? green bc i have red hair
Sci-fi thriller or trashy romance? romance
Martial arts or yoga? yoga
Lollipop or Hershey's Kiss? lollipop
When you sleep, bedroom door open or closed? closed
Jacket or sweatshirt? hoodie
Radio or CDs? cds
Recliner chair or cushion on the floor? usually chair
Bunk bed: top or bottom? i think usually top. but if im waaay tired and drunk i call bottom
Handwriting or typing? typing
Chicken Soup: the book or the food? both
Ballet or jazz? ballet but jazz is fun
1. If babies could talk at birth, what do you think would be the first thing they say? eww im gross and white and wrinkly and STOP SHOVING THINGS IN MY MOUTH!!!
2. If you could read minds, would you enjoy knowing what people were thinking, or would breaching their privacy bother you? Would you consider it a burden to know everyone's innermost thoughts?: i think itd be fun for awhile. but then id probably get tired of it like in what women want
3. Do you think you could survive in the Middle Ages? um probably not. maybe.
4. If you knew as a little kid what you know now, what one situation would you choose to do differently? dont lie to your parents bc being spanked sucks
5. If you were given the choice to know exactly when, how, and where you would die, would you choose to know? And if you did choose to know, would you try and cheat death? oh i dont even wanna think about that. i might wanna know so i could make sure i do lots of stuff. but i wouldnt wanna know bc its creepy.
6. If you got pregnant (guys, just play along) before you were ready, what would you do? Would you ask your parents for help, or keep it from them? id have to keep it bc im against abortion.
7. Do you think you would enjoy being the opposite sex for the rest of your life? not for the rest of my life. maybe for like a week.
8. If someone came up with an elixir that made you immortal, would you take it? If you would, what would you do with all the extra time? If you wouldn't, well, why not? only if i could give it to matt to so we could be together forever
9. Does the thought of being a vampire appeal to or disgust you? um it kinda creeps me out
10. If you were given magical powers to do just one thing, what would you do (besides giving yourself unlimited magical powers)? um well, im not too sure. be able to teleport anywhere. oh and freeze time so i could go on vacay with matt. and theres another one, but youll have to ask me if you wanna know that one:)
11. If you could go back into history and change one thing only, what would you change? What do you think the repercussions of the change will be? well there is one thing i would change, and im not putting it in here. but if youre close to me you should know what/who im talking about
1. Did you think this survey was truly original? yeah for the most part
2. Did you enjoy its originality, or did it annoy you to have to think instead of mechanically filling out answers? i liked it
3. Is there anything you would add or take out of this survey? dont think so