Beta Available

Feb 08, 2011 21:10

Genres you will beta: Action, canon-based AUs, back story, casefic, character study, crack, crossover [competencies: Buffy, Dexter, Harry Potter, Hawaii Five-O (1968), Heroes, Inception, Law & Order, Lost, NYPD Blue, X-Files], drama, fluff, gen, het, hurt/comfort, (canon) kidfic, romance, slash.
Genres you won't beta: Very AU AUs, character bashing, death fic, heavy kink, incest, mpreg, non-con, (non-crack) RPF, underage, whump!fic.
Pairings you will beta (within your specified genres): Essentially any.
Pairings you won't beta (within your specified genres): Essentially none.
Maximum rating you will beta: Any
Gen or Character studies you'd beta: Any
Gen or Character studies you won't beta: None defined
Beta strengths: Cultural details, dialects, diction, editing, fact checking, grammer, research and resources, semantics and usage, style.
Beta Weaknesses: Details of military and police procedure, technical and mechanical details.
Length of the fics you'd beta: Anything longer than a drabble and shorter than a novel.
Any other info: My areas of strength and my squicks are probably apparent from the answers above, as are my fandom involvements. In Lost fandom, I've done beta work for elliotsmelliot and zelda_zee, as well as for zelda_zee during my brief foray into SPN-land. In XF fandom, I sometimes hang around xf_book_club. If you want more of an idea of my approach to fandom and fic writing, I do have some entries under the recs tag and under the meta tag at my LJ, as well as fandom-related reflections in response to a few memes.

In terms of practical matters and scheduling, I'm a graduate student, so there will be times when the academic schedule will mean slow turnaround on beta work. Whenever that's the case, I can give prospective beta-ees (?) a heads-up so that they can look elsewhere if necessary.

crossovers, !beta offer, rating: pg-13, flow, action, gen, characterisation, het, fic length: multi-chapter, rating: pg, voice, americanisms, casefic, rating: nc-17, fic length: stand-alone, fact checking, fluff, rating: r, slash, drama, rating: not yet rated, rating: g

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