Sep 04, 2004 05:37
Registering people to vote on several Florida beaches
Parking on a private beach to cry in the purest white sand I've ever seen, and wrote messages to my dead mother in huge letters in the sand, to be wiped out by the tide.
Knowing many people in Florida to be evacuated for Hurricanes Charley and Frances.
Getting a tattoo on my chest right above my right breast, cause I'm sure my heart is not in the right place. (Tattoo artist was yummy, too! Thank you, Rich for all that you did for/to me. You have a heart of gold.)
Defended off the airline security people over my mom's ashes and won!
Piercing my own belly button (worked out great, too)
Went to a Dallas dance club (The Church at the Lizard Lounge) on my own, by myself and had a pretty good time. I've wanted to do that since I moved here.
Got semi-tackled by two girls and a guy at the Church, in the parking lot on the hood of my car, where they were VERY interested in having sex with me right then and there. The one girl and guy, whose names, I did not get then left, and the other girl became pretty pushy about it. I guess I'm not gay though. She didn't make my motor run at all, but she said I was the best kisser she's known in her 28 years. I think she was drunk. I know I was a little bit. It was kinda exciting to find that I can still attract that kind of attention, but she was making me very uncomfortable.
Feeling completely rejected by a man I've been married to for 21 years. It's a laugh. A real hee-haw. He acts like he's doing me a favor. He probably is, but I can't seem to assimilate that right now. What I want to do is fuck a bunch of people cause I need the ego strokes, to feel something like physical affection. But all that would do is piss some family members off and make others feel weird cause I'm not fitting in their little tight-ass boxes of what I'm supposed to be: Average, white, middle-class mommy type. I've faked it so long and so well, they never knew...
Actually didn't kill Steward when he tried to compare the loss of my marriage to his apparent inability to get a girlfriend for the past 18 months. That was really hard for me. I thought I was going to knife him in the back in the kitchen tools section of Tom Thumb when he said that. But he made realize that I can't be friends with youth and expect great pearls of wisdom from them all the time. They don't have anything to compare it to.
Tried not to enjoy too much Sean getting his ass kicked by another drunk (Actually, the same Steward from above on the next evening) on William D Tate Road. Two drunks fighting over a girl who threw them out of her apartment for being drunk and obnoxious. Then the next morning they couldn't exactly remember why they had fought. Blind leading the blind, anyone???
Gave a great performance at the Rubber Glove Rehearsal Studio with poems and props and comedy. First time in a long time.
Edited an actual full-length novel for MONEY!! It's not a good book but I get paid anyway for what I know. That is a great feeling!
I have named my price and as soon as Alan buys me out, I'm audi here. I will seek my fortunes elsewhere. I deserve some happiness before I'm too old for it. I am going to be living la vida loca while I can.
It has been a weird summer. I'm going to get over it. But not right away.
sigh #2....