I, um. See some (more) potentially skeevy racial and gender issues coming up in the casting. (If you weren't already aware of my thoughts on those in the Gateverse, you might want to skip the post. I'm not particularly nice in my thoughts about the PTB these days.)
If you think casting info and character stuff is spoilery, don't click. )
The sad thing is, if we hadn't already been there with Elizabeth, I might get bouncy at the potential for sparring and/or character growth. Because I love me some character growth and bossy ladies, but how what PTB here treats them.
Er, I mean, yes, I totally agree with you. I notice that Amanda had to leave the show and steal some of the production staff to get the behind-the-scenes experience that she clearly both adores and has wanted for years. Hell, that alone would get me watching Sanctuary, even if it didn't hit all my Victorian literature and urban fantasy fic kinks admirably.
The sad thing is, if we hadn't already been there with Elizabeth, I might get bouncy at the potential for sparring and/or character growth. Because I love me some character growth and bossy ladies, but how what PTB here treats them.I just have this horrible feeling that the bossines is going to get toned down after an ep that's all about how Ming-Na is wrong, the boys are right, and she suddenly realizes she should have listened to them all along, and will defer to them from here on out, as they're ( ... )
And yeah, there will be an episode like that, at which point, what fondness I had for the boys will diminish, and then it'll repeat. You know, like SGA.
I haven't seen Sanctuary yet, but those are the things that make me interested, too.
Let me know when you start on Sanctuary! I'll be curious to see what you think of it.
It's sad, really, because of all the characters on SG-1 who didn't start on the show as generals, she was the only one who really exhibited the kind of skills needed for that rank. In my head, she ends up in command of the SGC once she's a three-star.
And I completely agree about her having the right skills for that job, and the others...not.
Jack getting promoted after being such a lousy one-star was really the height of absurdity. In a show about aliens who all speak English.
(I think Cam would also get promoted because he does toe the line (see, Havoc, I used the right one!) for the most part and he's a good officer, but I think he'd retire after his five years in the rank were up. He's just not an administrator, and any general's job is largely administrative.)
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