A (relatively) short and incomplete list of things that make me happy.

Sep 23, 2013 10:17

1. Worldbuilding. So much worldbuilding. Roleplaying games where other people do worldbuilding and it's just constant and well thought out and interconnected. Roleplaying games where other people don't mind if you do your own worldbuilding.

2. Friends. Even if I can't read and reply to comments on LJ about 75% of the time. I still love hearing from you, on LJ or DW - or email or wherever. I'm trying to comment where I can find the time; I hope that you all understand that I'm trying and sometimes failing.

3. Quinoa fruit salad. Because it's an easy to make dinner that I can throw together in about twenty minutes, and not hate eating for three days in a row.

4. Mr. Havoc and the kidlet, because they're absolutely the best. Also, the kidlet is the most adorable child in the history of ever. (No, really.) Not to mention that he's actually putting effort into his homework this year.

5. Fountain pens. I have many, many fountain pens and I love to write with them. This requires commentary. Just because.

6. Pinterest. Because there's nothing better when I'm bored and brain-fried than trawling through Pinterest and finding things I want to decorate my house with, but can't afford to purchase.

7. sparktober! Because it's an entire month of SGA fandom revival. Because it involves mylittleredgirl and bingo cards and a whole bunch of fun. Which I desperately need.

8. This whole Saturday class thing isn't too terrible so far. The reading is easy, probably because I've just spent eight years living the subject material, and most of the work is actually done on one day of the week. Though I am looking forward to getting to the poing where I'll get practice actually drafting complaints/responsive pleadings and discovery responses and such things. IYS doesn't allow admins to do such things.

9. Writing! I may have spent a large portion of Saturday's class being bored and hand writing (with fountain pens!) Beca not believing Fat Amy is a vampire and calling Chloe and Aubrey at four in the morning from the radio station to ask them if Fat Amy is really a vampire. Also some space vampires.

10. Speaking of writing, I've posted a few things to the ao3 that I will shortly repost on
Gardening With the Dead - An ongoing series of World of Darkness vignettes about my characters and the people they interact with. (softlykarou, I included a bit with Aislin, and might start writing more even though you don't play in that game any longer. I really liked the character you came up with.)
Winterbound - The background story for Alisane Telemnar, the Eladrin Rogue I play for D&D 4th edition. Because D&D characters have very little backstory unless you write something for them, and most of our Friday night gaming group have come up with wonderful backstories.
The Cake Flour Job - Sequel of sorts to The Horology Job, wherein Eliot hears a very distinctive sound and Rory takes out a Dalek with a bag of flour. (Yes, like Coulson in A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to Thor's Hammer. Don't ask me why my brain does these things to me.)

This entry has been cross-posted to Dreamwidth (
comments). Comments are welcome on either post.

work: future paralegal goddess, rpg: d&d, discussion: sga, gateverse: sparktober, discussion: leverage, personal: adventures in parenting, writing, fanfic, rpg: requiem, rpg, gateverse: sheppard/weir

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