My top 20 fics by kudo count.

Sep 18, 2013 10:20

likeadeuce did it, and because I got curious, my top 20 ao3 works by kudo count, along with some commentary from me.

1. Where Bear? - Warehouse 13/Brave, Myka/Helena, Yuletide fic, and with a stealth Pitch Perfect mention (60 kudos)

Warehouse 13, before its removal from eligibility this year, has been a perennial Yuletide favorite, Myka/Helena is the femslash ship of choice for the fandom, and Brave came out last year with a decently sized fandom guaranteed thanks the Disney and Pixar connection. So this isn't surprising.

2. Numinous - Doctor Who/Chronicles of Narnia, Gen, Amelia Pond and Susan Pevensie (40 kudos)

Sometimes I wonder why my oddball little crossovers work, but I guess everyone loves a good Problem of Susan story, and Amelia Pond is pretty awesome in her own right.

3. As We Damn Well Please - Avengers/St. Trinian's, Gen, Natasha Romanov and Anoushka (34 kudos)

I probably have Avengers fandom largely to thank for this, because how else do you explain thirty-four kudos on a drabble between a character from one scene in a minor fandom and the Black Widow? (St. Trinian's fandom is pretty damn supportive, mind you, so I owe a lot to them.)

4. Five Things That Happened When the Women of Atlantis Grew Wings - Stargate: Atlantis, Cadman/Lorne and Heightmeyer/Weir in equal measure (27 kudos)

This is pretty new, so all I have to say is: Apparently snark plus fairy wings equals enjoyment. I'm good with that.

5. Bad Choice of Majors - Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Stargate: Atlantis, mostly gen but with some stealth Cadman/Rosenberg (26 kudos)

This is so old! But people seem to really like it. My time in BtVS fandom did good things for me, I guess. I do miss writing the whipcrack dialogue from that show. (Which you can totally tell if you read my early Jack O'Neill writing. I swear, I want to put that man and Buffy Summers in a room to have a snark-off.)

6. Emma Ever After - Once Upon a Time, Gen, Regina, Henry, Abigail/Kathryn Nolan, and Emma Swan (24 kudos)

I find it kind of odd that this is in my top twenty kudos list? Mostly because I wrote it quite deliberately as Henry Has Two Platonic Moms (nothing against Emma/Regina; I just felt like writing gen), and included Abigail, who isn't the most popular character in the fandom by a long shot. It's more about parenting and muddling through situations where you're totally out of your depth (not just parenting) than about anything else.

7. We Call It A Demolecularizing Multiphasic Teleportation Beam - Eureka/Stargate: Atlantis, Gen (24 kudos)

Aw, Eureka! I miss that show. (Someday, I will watch the final season, and then it will really be over in my mind.) This has Rodney in it; naturally it's going to be a hit. Everything with Rodney in draws a lot of views.

8. Journalistic Integrity - St. Trinian's, Gen, Denise and Camilla Fritton (23 kudos)

Seriously, St. Trinian's fandom, I love you so much. You're incredibly supportive, even when I do things like write about (and from the POV of) supremely minor characters like Denise.

9. Fashion Choice Heals Broken Friendships? - Vampire Diaries, Bonnie/Caroline, Caroline and Stefan friendship, Yuletide fic, 23 kudos

Yuletide, season one Vampire Diaries, all of that makes this kudos count stunningly clear.

10. Four Notorious St. Trinian's Girls (& One Notorious St. Trinian's Teacher) - Gen, St. Trinian's, Leverage, Vampire Diaries, Rizzoli & Isles, Forever Knight, Doctor Who (22 kudos)

I had no idea that people read, or even liked, some of the odd little crossovers I did. Again, St. Trinian's fandom is supportive, and I think everyone else just thought it was fun. Drabbles take forever to write, though.

11. High Priestess - Push, Gen, Nick and Cassie, Yuletide fic (21 kudos)

Even with gen fic, Cassie and Nick are the Push go-to. I kind of wish I had included Kira more, though, because I discovered after writing this just how much the fandom ignores or demonizes her. Which makes me sad.

12. The Horology Job - Doctor Who/Leverage, Gen, Leverage crew as Time Lords (20 kudos)

I love this fic so much that I'm glad it's in this list. Honestly. I really think that the Leverage team, in this universe, are Time Lord criminals who ran as soon as it was clear that the Time War was going to end in mutually assured almost-destruction, hid themselves on Earth, ended up drifting together again because that's what they do and didn't put all the pieces together until Sophie (and the rest of them, but Sophie's the universe's ultimate grifter, apparently, and saw the gaps in the con job they used the Chameleon Arch to run on themselves) after they met the Doctor.

13. Have Yourself a Scary Little Christmas - Addams Family, Wednesday Addams/Joel Glicker, Yuletide fic (18 kudos)

I think this might have been my first Yuletide story? It was originally posted back on the old archive, but I got tired of waiting for them to import the fics.

14. Monna Innominata - Jekyll, Claire/Tom and Claire/Hyde (17 kudos)

I wrote this because the ending of the tv series needed a bit more, or so I felt, but I'm surprised that it was that well-read.

15. The Last Scion Has Two Mommies - Dogma, Bethany/Liz (16 kudos)

Again, tiny femslash fandom, tinier pairing, especially given that Liz shows up for about two minutes of screen time. Still, glad it worked. (I'm sure 16 kudos is minimal for some people, but I'm happy with what I have.)

16. The Eureka Field Guide to Zombie Invasions - Eureka, Allison/Jack/Nathan (16 kudos)

Eureka fandom seems to enjoy themselves discovering old fic, for which I appreciate them.

17. Still Shine Bright - Stargate: Atlantis, Heightmeyer/Weir (14 kudos)

This one is pretty recent! This pairing is terribly, terribly minor. I think I've written most of the fic for it. So I'm glad it got the kudos it did! (Though I'm still kind of pissy that the person it was written for has neither commented nor kudoed. I'm glad I wrote a story I was happy with. I wish that said person had enjoyed it as well. But since they did not, they'll have to suffer the indignity of having the work linked to their name. Ah, well.)

18. Nothing of the Kind - Vampire Diaries, Elena/Katherine, some Elena/Stefan, Yuletide story (14 kudos)

Again, Yuletide, and TVD, and there you go. Though I'm not surprised it's lower ranked than the other one, what with the dopplecest.

19. With This Ring (The Hooking Up With the Best Man Remix) - Doctor Who, Amy/Rory, Amy/Rory/Jack, and Martha/Sarah Jane (14 kudos)

Doctor Who remixes! Gotta love the fun.

20. Put Together Again - Stargate: Atlantis, Sheppard/Weir, Cadman/Lorne, hints of Vala/Sam (13 kudos)

I'm amazed this made the list, because I remember when I posted it for the first
sparktober challenge, and I swear, it was like crickets were chirping on the internet. I still wonder if it's because John was all geared up to save Elizabeth, only to discover she didn't really need saving. She needed reminding that he and the rest of Atlantis needed her, though, which was a thing that no one else could do.

Anyway. Kudos, not hit counts, because tracking hit counts would send me into a spiral of "But whyyyyyy do my fics not get hit counts like other people's do?" Don't ask me why kudos don't do that to me. But they don't. There you go.

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fanfic: babble

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