[recs] Harry Potter/Stargate Ficcing

Mar 02, 2007 08:47

Some wonderful, anonymous person has been slowly writting me Harry Potter/Stargate fic ever since the Valentine's Day Love Meme. It's so great! It's Harry/Luna, and Ron/Hermione, and Ginny's their semi-grouchy mechanic! She knows Muggle technology, which is so adorable. (Me and my daddy's girl thing love that ( Read more... )

recs sg1, recs harry potter, recs, recs atlantis

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so not what i'm supposed to be writing right now.... anonymous June 30 2007, 18:26:45 UTC
Miko waited near the landing area for the Daedalus to descend. Doctor McKay had requisitioned 'very delicate equipment' that he 'certainly cannot trust to those oafs who unload the cargo.' He had been poised for a full-on rant and so Miko had offered to oversee the unloading for him and ensure all the equipment was brought back to him safe and whole. If her offer did not stop Doctor McKay's rant, it at least allowed her to escape ( ... )


Re: so not what i'm supposed to be writing right now.... havocthecat June 30 2007, 18:30:42 UTC
MIKO! Oh, my God, I know this isn't what you're supposed to be writing right now, but Miko! And extra coffee! And Miko!


still continuing anonymous July 26 2007, 21:40:26 UTC
"They don't know what to do with us," Luna observed with a small smile. Caldwell had called for some others to meet him down at the Daedalus, refusing to cave when the person on the other end of his radio apparently resisted. Soon after a tall woman with a questioning brow and spread hands entered the room flanked by two men dressed in black, their guns at the ready ( ... )


Re: still continuing havocthecat July 27 2007, 03:21:25 UTC
Have I mentioned how completely you rule? This is just an absolutely wonderful fic so far, and I wouldn't have minded if it hadn't followed HBP (which I have also read).

Thank you again for writing this and continuing to post it! I love every piece of it.


Re: still continuing anonymous July 28 2007, 01:41:56 UTC
Once I know a canon I have difficulty not following as much as I can; makes the AU more difficult and therefore more interesting to write. :) I'm glad you like it and apologize for my horrible posting schedule.


Re: still continuing havocthecat July 30 2007, 13:38:00 UTC
I'm glad you like it and apologize for my horrible posting schedule.

Of course I like it! It's a well-done crossover with two of my favorite series! :)

And, dude. You're writing me fanfic. Like you need to apologize for a horrible posting schedule? *hugs*


Re: still continuing anonymous July 27 2007, 16:57:10 UTC
John left Lorne, Ronon, and Teyla to watch over the strangers and hurried to the conference room for his meeting with Elizabeth. The visitors talked quietly to one another in a far corner of the room, keeping their voices pitched low so that Lorne and the others heard only murmurs. The tallest of the five, a red head, seemed angry about something and a dark-haired girl exasperated. Even without dialogue or knowing anything about the people across the room, Lorne could tell that the shorter boy was the leader of the group-- whether he wished to be or not. The blonde seemed to be some sort of peacemaker, maybe.

His musings were cut short when, with a sudden shove, the red-haired girl broke away from the group and marched across the room. Lorne could hear Ronon shift for his gun, just in case. The girl stopped short of them, her hands planted on her hips.

"Are you going to kill us or imprison us for life? Are you threatened by our magic? Do you wish to cut us open and study us?" She seemed to be mentally ticking off a list ( ... )


Re: still continuing anonymous July 29 2007, 02:10:25 UTC
McKay rolled his eyes dramatically. "And little green men live on Mars," he said, interrupting Caldwell's explanation of the strangers.

"Rodney," Elizabeth chided.

"Oh, don't tell me you're buying this," he said. "They probably just have some strange technology that seems like magic because some people have the inability to understand it." He looked pointedly at Caldwell.

"The tall one--

"Ron Weasley," Caldwell said.

"--Fine. Ron pulled the glasses right off my face," John said ( ... )


Re: still continuing anonymous July 30 2007, 01:11:48 UTC
When John and Elizabeth entered the room, two bantos sticks fell immediately to the floor. Lorne quickly smothered his look of wonderment. "Colonel," he said. "Dr. Weir. We were just ( ... )


Re: still continuing havocthecat July 30 2007, 13:29:58 UTC
*giggling* I have no idea which is the best line in this one. There are too many good ones! And Lorne and Luna seem to get along well. That's so cool.

Hrm. So how are you going to reconcile the Harry/Ginny epilogue with Harry proposing to Luna? Because Harry and Luna are adorable here.


Re: still continuing anonymous July 30 2007, 16:29:06 UTC
DH canon happens up to the end of the book, excepting the epilogue. There, a shift happens. Ginny and Harry dance around one another, but instead of staying and making the relationship work in a post-DH world, Ginny runs. Luna tries to help Harry understand and their relationship develops. Epilogue occurs, but with some slight differences.

When Luna goes on her great expedition for mythical creatures, Harry goes with her. He wants a quiet life now, but people in England expect too much from him. He wants to yell at them that he's done his part, but can't. So Luna pulls him away from that, away from heartbreak, and gives him something else to focus on. And the relationship grows.

Ginny gave Harry happy oblivion, with her he could forget (which is, imo, why he stayed in England in canon. When the pressures mounted, she could pull him to her and he'd lose himself in her sunny days). Luna gives Harry escape and strength. *shrugs* Or something to that effect.


Re: still continuing anonymous July 31 2007, 23:18:27 UTC
Dr. Eva Esposito was reading what seemed to be an Ancient fairy tale when Dr. Weir's voice came on over the comm.

Would anyone who has heard of Hogwarts, Beau-- Beauxbatons, Durmstrang, or Harry Potter, please report to residential quarters A-12--She said more, but Eva had stopped listening. Dr. Weir hadn't mentioned her own school, but that did not matter. The life Eva had left behind at 17 was back. She waited several minutes until the announcement ended and then left quietly; she did not wish to be questioned upon her return. She did not wish to be studied, to be the source for her colleagues' introduction into the cultural milieu of the wizarding world ( ... )


Re: still continuing anonymous August 3 2007, 23:49:37 UTC
Elizabeth smiled as the small group entered the room. "Thank you for coming," she said. It was only then that Eva began to wonder whether she should have ignored the summons, then again this was the Pegasus galaxy and perhaps-- Allison nudged her slightly and she realized that Elizabeth had started asking questions ( ... )


Re: still continuing havocthecat August 4 2007, 05:41:11 UTC
Hee! Oh, this is great! I'd say more that's more coherent, but it's late and I'm about to fall asleep


just a lil'bit, set pre-fic anonymous September 17 2007, 12:25:39 UTC
Molly sat up early again with the clock, her knitting needles occasionally knocking against one another as she knit a ribbed scarf for Teddy who refused to wear sweaters no matter what yarn or design she chose. The moment was quiet and Molly was reminded of so many other mornings during the war when she had sat by her clock, waiting for the hands to move ( ... )


Re: just a lil'bit, set pre-fic havocthecat September 19 2007, 11:39:12 UTC
Ooh! No, I don't think it contradicts anything you've already said.

This whole thing is still awesome. And the Wormhole X-Treme references and Rodney's snark? Is totally priceless!


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