[recs] Harry Potter/Stargate Ficcing

Mar 02, 2007 08:47

Some wonderful, anonymous person has been slowly writting me Harry Potter/Stargate fic ever since the Valentine's Day Love Meme. It's so great! It's Harry/Luna, and Ron/Hermione, and Ginny's their semi-grouchy mechanic! She knows Muggle technology, which is so adorable. (Me and my daddy's girl thing love that ( Read more... )

recs sg1, recs harry potter, recs, recs atlantis

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Re: still continuing anonymous July 27 2007, 16:57:10 UTC
John left Lorne, Ronon, and Teyla to watch over the strangers and hurried to the conference room for his meeting with Elizabeth. The visitors talked quietly to one another in a far corner of the room, keeping their voices pitched low so that Lorne and the others heard only murmurs. The tallest of the five, a red head, seemed angry about something and a dark-haired girl exasperated. Even without dialogue or knowing anything about the people across the room, Lorne could tell that the shorter boy was the leader of the group-- whether he wished to be or not. The blonde seemed to be some sort of peacemaker, maybe.

His musings were cut short when, with a sudden shove, the red-haired girl broke away from the group and marched across the room. Lorne could hear Ronon shift for his gun, just in case. The girl stopped short of them, her hands planted on her hips.

"Are you going to kill us or imprison us for life? Are you threatened by our magic? Do you wish to cut us open and study us?" She seemed to be mentally ticking off a list.

"Ginny!" The red-haired boy called out, his voice odd. Ginny shot a look over her shoulder and rolled her eyes.

"We can argue over what they may or may not do or we can just ask." She turned back around. "So?"

Teyla looked concerned. "Are such behaviors common with your people?"

"In the past," Ginny said, "such things did occur. They might still. I think, however, that any Muggle capable of finding Atlantis is also capable of accepting the reality of magic and won't need to tear apart those who use it."

Lorne held up his hands. "I can't give you any answers. I will say, however, that we are unlikely to cut you up or kill you-- though McKay might be tempted."

The others of Ginny's group had gathered around her. The tall boy clearly wished to be back on his side of the room, but the dark-haired girl held him in place. "Who is McKay?" Ginny asked.

Lorne hesitated and then answered, "Our chief scientist."

The blonde's eyes widened, almost as though frightened, and she asked, "Is-- Can we ward him off with lemon juice?" The dark haired boy groaned.


Lorne gaped at her. "Yes," he said slowly and Luna sighed, relieved.

"Really?" the boy who had groaned asked, his tone was a study in disbelief.

"We still have some lemon juice, don't we, Harry?" Luna asked.

Harry nodded. "He isn't actually dangerous, though, Luna." Harry did not sound confident and looked toward Lorne, Ronon, and Teyla for confirmation.

"He just talks a lot," Ronon answered. "You can ignore him."

Lorne shook his head, amused at the image of telling John about this conversation and then looked to Harry. "So you're Harry?" Harry nodded. "Luna. Ginny." Lorne pointed to the two girls in turn.

"Hermione," the dark-haired girl provided. "And this is Ron."

"We are happy to meet you," Teyla said. "My name is Teyla. How exactly did you find your way to this city?"

"It was an accident."

"We flew." Ginny smiled and seemed to be waiting for another question. Lorne obliged her.

"How?" Immediately Ginny launched into an explanation of the jumpers, how they had found and rebuilt one. Lorne listened and tried to understand as much as possible. The others drifted. Luna was dabbing something on the walls. These people were clearly insane, but they were here in Atlantis and--

He remembered the glasses flying off John's face. Something had done that. Maybe magic. If space vampires were real, then why not? Lorne doubled his concentration and listened to Ginny.


Re: still continuing anonymous July 29 2007, 02:10:25 UTC
McKay rolled his eyes dramatically. "And little green men live on Mars," he said, interrupting Caldwell's explanation of the strangers.

"Rodney," Elizabeth chided.

"Oh, don't tell me you're buying this," he said. "They probably just have some strange technology that seems like magic because some people have the inability to understand it." He looked pointedly at Caldwell.

"The tall one--

"Ron Weasley," Caldwell said.

"--Fine. Ron pulled the glasses right off my face," John said.

"Your old girlfriend turned into a giant hand of energy and swatted Wraith out of the sky," Rodney replied, unconvinced.

"Are you suggesting these strangers might be ancients?" Elizabeth asked, leaning forward.

"I'm not saying anything until I meet them," Rodney said, calming. "I'm just saying that they are most certainly not 'magical'."

Caldwell shrugged and sat back in his seat. "Perhaps we should invite them up for a demonstration?"

"Or," John said, "We could go down to them. The less they see of Atlantis the better, I think."

"Agreed," Elizabeth said and she stood. "Gentlemen, Dr. Keller, shall we go greet our guests?"

Those gathered around the conference table stood, gathered their things and followed Elizabeth and John down to the guest room. Caldwell followed behind the group, a smirk playing over his lips. He couldn't wait to see what sort of explanations McKay came up with once he saw the 'tourists.'


Re: still continuing anonymous July 30 2007, 01:11:48 UTC
When John and Elizabeth entered the room, two bantos sticks fell immediately to the floor. Lorne quickly smothered his look of wonderment. "Colonel," he said. "Dr. Weir. We were just--"

"Is that lemons?" Rodney sniffed the air as he entered the room. He unfolded his laptop and pulled up a program.

Lorne raised an eyebrow to Luna and nodded slightly at her unspoken question.

"Yes," Teyla answered as she and Ronon joined John by the door. "Apparently our guests have heard of scientists and one was taught the best way to ward them off was with lemons."

"Ha. Ha. Very funny. Need I remind you people just how serious--"

"We got it, Rodney," John said, rolling his eyes. Harry and the others sat down together on the edge of the bed. Each was holding their wand across their lap. Even only knowing the five for a short time, Lorne knew they were ready for trouble. Dr. Keller sat by Rodney and began making notes.

Elizabeth smiled. "I hope you have been comfortable."

"We are fine," Harry answered. When he did not offer more, Elizabeth's expression changed slightly, a half lift of her brow.

Rodney pulled a small device from a pocket and clicked it on. He frowned and typed at his laptop.

Elizabeth continued. "Colonel Caldwell has been telling us some rather fantastic tales--"

"We're wizards," Harry interrupted.

"Yes, but--"

"Would you like a demonstration?" Luna asked with a smile. "Avis!" Small birds in all colors flew from her wand. One landed on Lorne's head, another on Rodney's laptop.

"Rodney?" Elizabeth ask, her tone still light, but demanding explanation.

"Based on what I can gather now, they aren't Ancients. A full medical exam might help..." his voice trailed off as he finally noticed the bird in front of him. The bird cocked its head, sang a low note, and then disappeared in a shudder of smoke. "How?" he asked before he could check himself.

"Magic," Luna said.

"I understand this must sound farfetched," Hermione said, "but we are exactly what we claim to be. Can you contact everyone in your city at once? Good. Ask if anyone has heard of Hogwarts, Beauxbatons, Durmstrang, or Harry Potter. Have them come here. They can verify our story."

Elizabeth glanced to John. "Very well." And then tapped her earpiece and asked Chuck to place her on city wide. "Would anyone who has ever heard of Hogwarts, Beau--"


"--Beauxbatons, Durmstrang, or Harry Potter please report to residential quarters A-12, the guest room, immediately? We have an urgent issue to consult with you."

"Thank you."


Re: still continuing havocthecat July 30 2007, 13:29:58 UTC
*giggling* I have no idea which is the best line in this one. There are too many good ones! And Lorne and Luna seem to get along well. That's so cool.

Hrm. So how are you going to reconcile the Harry/Ginny epilogue with Harry proposing to Luna? Because Harry and Luna are adorable here.


Re: still continuing anonymous July 30 2007, 16:29:06 UTC
DH canon happens up to the end of the book, excepting the epilogue. There, a shift happens. Ginny and Harry dance around one another, but instead of staying and making the relationship work in a post-DH world, Ginny runs. Luna tries to help Harry understand and their relationship develops. Epilogue occurs, but with some slight differences.

When Luna goes on her great expedition for mythical creatures, Harry goes with her. He wants a quiet life now, but people in England expect too much from him. He wants to yell at them that he's done his part, but can't. So Luna pulls him away from that, away from heartbreak, and gives him something else to focus on. And the relationship grows.

Ginny gave Harry happy oblivion, with her he could forget (which is, imo, why he stayed in England in canon. When the pressures mounted, she could pull him to her and he'd lose himself in her sunny days). Luna gives Harry escape and strength. *shrugs* Or something to that effect.


Re: still continuing anonymous July 31 2007, 23:18:27 UTC
Dr. Eva Esposito was reading what seemed to be an Ancient fairy tale when Dr. Weir's voice came on over the comm.

Would anyone who has heard of Hogwarts, Beau-- Beauxbatons, Durmstrang, or Harry Potter, please report to residential quarters A-12--

She said more, but Eva had stopped listening. Dr. Weir hadn't mentioned her own school, but that did not matter. The life Eva had left behind at 17 was back. She waited several minutes until the announcement ended and then left quietly; she did not wish to be questioned upon her return. She did not wish to be studied, to be the source for her colleagues' introduction into the cultural milieu of the wizarding world.

When she reached the guest quarters, she was surprised to see others waiting. She recognized only Allison Crown from her frequent visits to the gym. They sparred together occasionally and she could tell Allison was surprised to see her.

"I went to the Skull Cave school up on Mackinac," Allison confided when Eva reached her. Eva nodded; the school had a good quodpot team.

"Saint Cyrpain's," Eva said. "It's a small school," she said when Allison shook her head.

The guest room door opened and John opened the door.

"This way," he said, leading them to a room down the hall. "Questions here first."

"What going on?" A scientist Eva did not know asked. The Colonel did not answer.

Elizabeth already waited in the room.


Re: still continuing anonymous August 3 2007, 23:49:37 UTC
Elizabeth smiled as the small group entered the room. "Thank you for coming," she said. It was only then that Eva began to wonder whether she should have ignored the summons, then again this was the Pegasus galaxy and perhaps-- Allison nudged her slightly and she realized that Elizabeth had started asking questions.

"To start off, what exactly is Hogwarts, Beauxbatons, Durmstrang, and Harry Potter?"

Eva and Allison exchanged a glance.

"Uh, ma'am, if you don't know that, then I don't think we should answer," a marine replied. "Sorry, ma'am."

"Wilson, answer Dr. Weir," John prompted. Wilson glanced down the row of the others and then back at John.


"Wilson." John's voice was tight and warning.

"Schools, ma'am," Wilson answered, his shoulders slumping slightly. "And a rather important person for the Brits and, well, everyone, I guess."

Elizabeth nodded slightly, seemingly unsurprised by this answer. "And what do these schools teach?"

"Magic, ma'am," Wilson answered without prompting. Eva watched Elizabeth's reaction carefully, but she did not betray any shock. What exactly had prompted these questions anyway, Eva wondered, and before she could stop herself, she asked.

"Excuse me, Dr. Weir, but why are you asking us this now? Is there some doubt to our integrity or abilities?"

Elizabeth shook her head. "No, nothing like that, Dr. Esposito. I simply wished to confirm the existence of this magic. What can you tell me of Harry Potter? What is your opinion of him?"

"I have only heard of him," Eva replied. "Anyone connected to the Wizarding World has."

"Why?" Elizabeth persisted.

"He saved the world," the doctor Eva didn't know replied.

"Excuse me?"

"A dark wizard was taking over England. You heard the reports of the odd mist, didn't you? The mist that made everyone feel miserable? He, the dark wizard, caused that. Harry Potter defeated him. Had he not, the wizard would have killed everyone like you and me, us Muggles, and anyone who did not have magical parentage."

Now Elizabeth looked surprised, disbelieving even.

"It's true, ma'am" Allison said. "Voldemort, that was the evil one, hated anyone who wasn't a pureblood. It isn't easy to explain."

"You mean to tell me there was a war on Earth that no one ever knew about?" Elizabeth asked.

"Classified, ma'am," Wilson said. "All magic is."

"Which is why," Eva said, returning to her original thought, "we're curious; why are you asking about this?"

Elizabeth once again ignored her question. "Do you consider Harry Potter and anyone with him to be trustworthy? Have any of you met him?"

"Yes," the doctor said. "My brother attended Hogwarts with him. He was not friendly with Harry Potter, but did say that he was talented and seemed to care deeply for his friends."

Elizabeth nodded. "Very well. Now, what I am about to reveal to you must remain strictly confidential." They nodded. "If I discover anyone has told--"

"We'll keep mum," said the doctor whose name Eva still couldn't recall and it was really driving her mad now. Schneider? Schmidt? Smith? Surely it wasn't something so--

"What?" Eva asked; Elizabeth's words only then penetrating her thoughts.

Elizabeth repeated herself. "Harry Potter is here, in Atlantis, and he has brought friends." She paused. "Is space travel normal among wizards?"

"No, ma'am. How did they get here?"

Elizabeth spread her hands. "By accident it seems. Thank you very much for your cooperation. You may return to your stations and quarters now."

Eva left quickly. Behind her she could hear others asking about seeing Potter, but she did not have time just then. She had been saving possible references to wizardry in the archives since her first day and now seemed the perfect time to review her notes.


Re: still continuing havocthecat August 4 2007, 05:41:11 UTC
Hee! Oh, this is great! I'd say more that's more coherent, but it's late and I'm about to fall asleep


just a lil'bit, set pre-fic anonymous September 17 2007, 12:25:39 UTC
Molly sat up early again with the clock, her knitting needles occasionally knocking against one another as she knit a ribbed scarf for Teddy who refused to wear sweaters no matter what yarn or design she chose. The moment was quiet and Molly was reminded of so many other mornings during the war when she had sat by her clock, waiting for the hands to move.

Fred's hand still hung at the bottom of the dial; she couldn't remove it yet. The rest of her babies, except for Bill who had his own house now, were at home, safe and sleeping. She had hoped for such times throughout the war, but now--

George remained in his room, ostensibly working. True, he and Fred had often remained locked away for days working on some brilliant trick or another, but they had at least been together. She worried about George working alone.

Ron seemed happy, but he was often gone until very late. Molly had an idea where he might be though and that made her glad, though he better not be doing anything that might get him or Hermione in trouble.

Percy also warmed her heart. He claimed he was not going to go back to the Ministry, but he didn't seem to have any other plans either.

Ginny moped all day. She and Harry were still together, Molly thought, but Ginny had certainly cooled recently and poor Harry seemed troubled about something. Ginny seemed more restless than usual as well and often took long walks by herself at all hours.

And then there was Charlie. Molly sat down her knitting and wiped her eyes with her knuckles. No one knew what had happened. He was fine one day, ill the next, and unable to control magic on the third. The healers hoped he would be an isolated case, but no one was for sure. He spent his time upstairs in a specially charmed room and talking about everything he'd do when he got back to work. She wished he would stop.

The clock chimed and Arthur's hand slid toward waking. Molly folded her knitting aside and rose to go make breakfast.

Harry is one of the last affected. Charlie is one of the first. And if this contradicts anything I've already said, my apologies.


Re: just a lil'bit, set pre-fic havocthecat September 19 2007, 11:39:12 UTC
Ooh! No, I don't think it contradicts anything you've already said.

This whole thing is still awesome. And the Wormhole X-Treme references and Rodney's snark? Is totally priceless!


Re: still continuing anonymous September 13 2007, 22:27:30 UTC
They had finally been left alone. Well, mostly alone.

"Guard's still here," Ron said as he stepped away from the door. "Probably listening. Told you this was a bad idea."

"And what else exactly were we supposed to do?" Ginny asked. "They'd have a guard on us no matter what he had said."

"She's right, Ron," Harry said, moving away from the window.

Ginny sat back down by Luna, obviously still agitated. Ron could hear her ranting about how the divide between Muggle and Magical technology was actually causing both to fall behind their potential. "Can you even imagine the things we made?" Ginny asked.

Ron didn't want to imagine. He had liked the world better back when he and Hermione were buying their first house, settling in, and, even, leaving adventure behind them. How did they even know that time passed the same in this place? He remembered one episode Hermione's dad had shown him in which--

Ron stopped. He looked at the walls of their room and tried to imagine them as less majestic and more... hurried, tacky, cheap-- "No, bloody way," he said, but now that the idea was stuck he couldn't imagine how he hadn't seen it before. He began to smile, but then he remembered the bad guys.

Ron opened the door. "Get your leader or that Sheppard guy or Lorne or someone down here now."

"Ron, what are you doing?" Hermione asked. Ron shook his head.

"I'm crazy. I have to be."

Luna glanced up from her conversation with Ginny. "I doubt that," she said. "You look rather certain to me."

Ron gave her pained look. "Trust me," he said. "You want me to be crazy."

Hermione and Harry tried to get Ron to explain, but he refused. He wanted confirmation first.


Re: still continuing anonymous September 14 2007, 07:53:44 UTC
"Of all the 'accidental' travelers we could get," Rodney said, entering the mess hall. "We had to get the ones who have seen what must be the most embarrassing show in the history of the Stargate program."

"What do you mean?" Teyla asked, fueling Rodney's rant.

"Wormhole Xtreme's sequel. A thankfully short-lived television program."

"The box," Ronon said as though that explained everything.

"What is on this program?" Teyla asked.

"Everything!" Rodney flung his hand out, nearly throwing a small square of meat into Ronon's hair. "The SGC authorized the show for plausibility deniability or some rot. Complete waste of resources if you ask me. Anyway, one of our 'magical' guests has seen the show and so knows about the Wraith and basically everything else to some degree. He actually asked me if I was the basis for Dr. McCoy!"

Doctor McCoy? Ronon mouthed to Teyla. She shook her head and hid a smile from Rodney. "How did they respond to the news about the Wraith?" she asked.

Rodney laughed drily. "You'll never believe it," he said. "They want to help. Honestly, what do they think they could possibly do that we haven't already done?"

"Use magic?" Ronon asked.

Rodney rolled his eyes. "Right. And then rainbows will come down and recharge our ZPMs at which point we will fly through the galaxy leaving sunshine and roses in our wake." Rodney shoved another bite of food into his mouth and Teyla turned the conversation toward their upcoming mission.


Re: still continuing anonymous September 15 2007, 00:36:51 UTC
Oddly, Luna was the one most opposed. When Harry heard Elizabeth reluctantly explain the Wraith, correcting Ron's telly-colored view, his eyes had grown dark and hard and determined.

After the war ended, everyone had been elated. Families clumped together and rejoiced. Luna remembered Harry sitting alone, relieved, but still agitated, and she remembered providing him with an escape.

At first, everything had gone well. Harry and Ginny started dating once more and Harry seemed happy. Luna was getting ready to go to Africa on an expedition when the curse first hit. Voldemort's revenge some called it. Others pointed to a strange influenza. Whatever the cause, the result was the same: several young men and women were suddenly unable to reliably use their magic. Terry Boot, Susan Bones, Charlie Weasley, and many others, including Harry. It was during this time, when the curse was being discovered, that Ginny ran away and Harry fell apart.

Without his magic, he was no longer able to help with the rebuilding of the wizarding world. Instead he became a trophy, a living remembrance of victory, and he became a burden, an embarrassment to fix as quickly as possible. Everyone had a cure, but none worked.

Luna remembered going by Harry's flat shortly before her rescheduled leave to pick up some books Ginny had promised to lend her once and finding Harry by himself sitting in the dark. He had been drinking, which is likely the only reason he told her his dream.

After we beat Voldemort, I thought that was it. I was ready to have a normal life. I had this vision of the future, maybe 20 years ahead. Ron and Hermione were married, of course, and so were Ginny and I. We all had kids. Two boys and a girl for me. I always wanted a big family. And I named them after all the important people. My parents and Dumbledore, even Snape. And we were at King's Cross and everything was perfect. Ron worked with me as an Auror or maybe with George in his joke shop; I don't know. He'd trailed off and then looked at her, his eyes as dull as a golem's. Ginny's gone. My magic's gone.

And she had said, Come with me.

And he had.

Now Harry was alive again. Luna had hoped the challenge of space would revive him, but she had not counted upon another impossible, epic fight. She did not think the Wraith could be defeated by another mistake of wands.

But she couldn't take anything more away from Harry.

They argued, all of them, through the night after Harry told Elizabeth he wanted to help and in the end, Harry said the only thing that could sway her. "Please." And Luna heard, Please, let me be useful again. Please, let me do something worthwhile. Please, let me stay here and fly. Please.

And so she said the only thing she could. "All right."


Re: still continuing havocthecat September 21 2007, 19:22:51 UTC
I think I forgot to tell you how absolutely perfect this section of the fic is:

Now Harry was alive again. Luna had hoped the challenge of space would revive him, but she had not counted upon another impossible, epic fight. She did not think the Wraith could be defeated by another mistake of wands.

But she couldn't take anything more away from Harry.

They argued, all of them, through the night after Harry told Elizabeth he wanted to help and in the end, Harry said the only thing that could sway her. "Please." And Luna heard, Please, let me be useful again. Please, let me do something worthwhile. Please, let me stay here and fly. Please.

And so she said the only thing she could. "All right."


forgot! so sorry. anonymous November 16 2007, 14:41:45 UTC
In the flurry of days following their offer to help the people on Atlantis, Hermione found herself locked away in an Anthropology lab checking over stories for the possibility of magic. Ron was with her filling in the gaps with childhood stories and wizarding urban myths. He was also making a list of everything he could remember from that awful show he and her father liked and fact-checking with the expedition members.

Ginny was sequestered in the labs and Hermione occasionally saw her at meals typing at a laptop she'd begged off someone or arguing with Dr. McKay. McKay had focused in on Ginny as the only one of their group with some knowledge he could understand and seemed to hold her personally responsible for explaining the impossibilities of magic.

Hermione had not seen Harry or Luna for days. They had always just left when she went to a meal or came shortly after she finished. Hermione had the odd feeling that Luna was orchestrating all these near misses, but she could not understand why Luna would be isolating Harry now after working so hard to get them all back together.

She just wished they could start working together again. While Hermione loved exploring the knowledge in Atlantis, she wanted to be researching the Wraith and making plans. She hated feeling so boxed in.

Just a smidge of tell to get me a bit on track again.


Re: forgot! so sorry. havocthecat November 16 2007, 19:16:23 UTC
Ooh! But this is interesting stuff getting you back on track.

Thank you again; this is really wonderful!


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