Dec 27, 2008 13:53
Here are my resolutions from last year, and an overview of how I did...
1.Get started on the path to a career. Not just another job, but something through which I can embark on a career. And figure out how and when I may need more schooling.
I would call this one a fail...though I now know what I want to do for next year.
2.Not to eat any meat that isn't free range/organic/all-natural.
Fail. But we started eating much more vegetarian, and meat is pretty rare for me nowadays. But even still...failed hardcore.
3.To continuously live greener and waste less energy. We took more green steps, but there is always farther to go. I would say this one had a neutral result of not failing or succeeding.
4.Donate my hair . I cut it off, put it into a bag, and still have to mail it out. So hald success, half fail
6.Go on weight watchers and be successful Big, skinny SUCCESS! Still want to lose ten more pounds in 09' but this was definitely a success.
7.Excersise Regularly. At LEAST 3 times a week. Fail. :(
8. Keep a tidy house. Fail. :(
9.Make more art 2 years of failure in a row.
10.Get a new car. Success!!! :)