is this thing on?

May 08, 2011 23:56

Snagged the LJ app. Imgs of my bday presents straight off my phone, now with another from ravensword & orphan_project. Thanks guys!

^ the drink B bought me ... told y'all it's huge...

^ the steampunk necklace they got me. Awesome!
So. Let's see if this doesn't suck shall we? :)

Posted via LiveJournal app for Android.
ETA: Looks like it worked. Well, the second time I posted it anyway. The first time the app just up and decided to shut itself off in the middle of posting it. Also it seemed like the "Mood" list was abbreviated, but it may have simply not loaded properly. I needed at least 3 bars of signal for it to load my Userpic list or my Tags list. It's a shame they didn't wait to release it to have f-list access, simply because, well, I already have a smart phone. If I just wanted to make posts, I could log in to their website. Hell, they don't even have a way to interact with comments on your own journal, or a way to view or edit your post (once sent) from the app itself. :shrugs: I'm torn between wanting them to fix the app quickly and... well. Keeping their original house in order. At least this way I can post pics from my phone?

birthday, via ljapp

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